LIQR - LIQR LIQR (LIQR) coin on Fantom

LIQR LIQR is a crypto coin (token) that running on Fantom ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase LIQR reach!

LIQR Price
$0.00024207250572128 ( -1.26%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,018,723,481 LIQR
24h Trade Volume: $411
Liquidity: $93,824
Holders: 674 addresses
24h Transactions: 2
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ERC-20 Token Fantom

LIQR (LIQR) profile

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Check contract: 0x33333ee26a7d02e41c33828b42fb1e0889143477
Listed: 2022-01-12 01:57:33
Decimals: 18
Official site:
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LIQR coin price dynamic

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LIQR LIQR holders addresses dynamic

LIQR holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x7b3f29acdf0f0a29dedc96f67c847984dbff1da0 819,080,595.380683 80.402642156259%
2 0x6ab8f048e193a1649430d6dd7d9a3ceb935e7f3c 119,058,524.729547 11.68703057241%
3 0xa1918e15a6f9776a88f8055571c6b0e7abb08d90 56,990,501.4092947 5.5943052697856%
4 0x11b0303034fdb52d4e53b4e4202b49681df9ae82 19,995,313.3649882 1.9627812383227%
5 0xce42b2ee38f3434be68d1d6258a4d8959a6716ab 1,352,427.57690199 0.13275708290632%
6 0x59f58431d4cba2b7e9e8d78f064a8fa24c5134bf 1,182,631.46891175 0.11608954641814%
7 0x0475fe2173fa5cfe6dade94ef3a45caea9f15050 248,282.127357794 0.024371886176189%
8 0x806765ec26283626eca3e85b44a59e96161b541a 189,171.037341291 0.018569419550967%
9 0x984c5d268b220784e87fbe8edbb5c6b9f7ba9fc4 152,070.274587081 0.014927532088032%
10 0xf71d161fdc3895f21612d79f15aa819b7a3d296a 123,290.271059432 0.012102427528188%
LIQR on FTMScan Check LIQR holders on FTMScan

LIQR LIQR daily transactions dynamic

LIQR on FTMScan Check LIQR transactions on FTMScan

Wallets that support LIQR ERC-20 tokens on Fantom

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy LIQR (LIQR) contact address and add in your wallet.

Metamask Metamask Mathwallet Math wallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet

How to buy LIQR coin on Fantom mainnet?

Check this official article about how to swap Fantom tokens on Sushi Swap

How to buy LIQR coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
LIQR 0x9351a4a2c9bea27794dcce6db0cd2e1b3fbd6c33 BSC 2 years
LIQR 0x33333ee26a7d02e41c33828b42fb1e0889143477 BSC 2 years
LIQR 0x33333ee26a7d02e41c33828b42fb1e0889143477 AVAX 2 years

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