CLD - CryptopiaLandDollar CryptopiaLandDollar (CLD) coin on BSC

CryptopiaLandDollar CLD is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase CryptopiaLandDollar reach!

CLD Price
$0.0083447317524429 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 4,000,000 CLD
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 4,851 addresses
24h Transactions: -
CLD market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

CryptopiaLandDollar (CLD) profile

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Check contract: 0xb0d9bd0937720956b3f1d4cab7d54ebab1dcba7f
Listed: 2021-08-24 01:09:50
Decimals: 18
Official site:
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CryptopiaLandDollar CLD holders addresses dynamic

CLD holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 PancakeSwap V2: CLD 8 3,298,846.656331122130304534 82.471166408278%
2 0x61ea2ef0811222175fd42968ff18dd777fc8a5b3 238,041.613996593374406457 5.9510403499148%
3 0xa4115683d2329e9846727cffd41bf988f893edcc 32,718.713168676382569759 0.81796782921691%
4 0x1351c26fa787d0f9b9d3aa7901d524239497750b 30,814.773713386119193314 0.77036934283465%
5 0x07343da6ac3189fd98804992f21badacd6517f5a 17,870.431054395624562818 0.44676077635989%
6 0xfc09c700bafcf16c30598d67f2d5823fa6d2928a 16,767.865842456726083679 0.41919664606142%
7 0x7a704ef154d0323859873bb9402d5ef232331d3b 14,800.504886075091982737 0.37001262215188%
8 0xf69d66bd9beeccaba2963afc87bc35d025097ddb 14,000 0.35%
9 0xc47dec7ffde829043b91e904fdaf1e048bdd482c 11,377.429558129455089514 0.28443573895324%
10 0xb8ca532ded4bd78b91136356712328794559712a 10,966.368101974148063573 0.27415920254935%
CryptopiaLandDollar on BSCscan Check CryptopiaLandDollar holders on BSCscan

CryptopiaLandDollar CLD daily transactions dynamic

CryptopiaLandDollar on BSCscan Check CryptopiaLandDollar transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support CLD BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy CryptopiaLandDollar (CLD) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy CLD coin on mobile?

How to buy CLD coin on mobile

How to buy CLD coin on PC?

How to buy CLD coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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CLD 0xb9997369679a1bad2ae8dcd7176c79cb91e1e825 ETH 1 year
CLD 0xe9e5fc8dc9ff83505fe8393b1fb2ddf16524d3dc ETH 1 year
CLD 0x5e26fe700789fbbb90f7aa9da232044d9d4078f6 BSC 1 year
CLD 0x3732f71a15b377d47dc30c7b6a914b07a70f8cde Polygon 1 year
CLD 0xbc9df74136f6b9b1e1c079bbf50809842fc5083d Polygon 1 year
CLD 0x4698f8601071f6fb589efd9b352532aac3a669bc ETH 1 year
CLD 0xe9175726c94426af008e7e3841ffdf36e70c2776 BSC 1 year
CLD 0xe9175726c94426af008e7e3841ffdf36e70c2776 Polygon 1 year
CLD 0x40a59f2c40878032759bf2596b666aaf2966183b BSC 1 year
CLD 0xe7eb17b5Db94E804bfDA0035062363Ce8f68D3Dc BSC 1 year
CLD 0xb33bacfc3e365f35fca877f684d7332ae8e0517f BSC 2 years
CLD 0x9c7c854e991afcd128b09602820370aee98d8f7c Polygon 2 years
CLD 0xa672c2c428b33d4f05fbc1f613743dd69c5464c1 ETH 2 years
CLD 0x648d2663c7cb7770b44749d6648c02321545639f BSC 2 years
CLD 0x3940499c5d245aa39c65e4835a13c802858f5e1a BSC 2 years
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CLD 0xd2560f8324dac9688b5a58c3389ed4a2ecd65a53 BSC 2 years
CLD 0x095122c781520D5556c5CeB6b53Fb62db967c2F9 BSC 2 years
CLD 0xa7dc631187622744476e108ba37fc266c1321d30 BSC 2 years
CLD 0xced2b382420ab1e4c234bb93c97dd0f2f19b6f46 BSC 2 years
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CLD 0x3ff813827371D458bE800c0387bCA53e9b3b9a74 BSC 2 years
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CLD 0xa202f9f2cad6bf168a669a9c48d2f24d47aa0e4a BSC 2 years
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CLD 0xfc302276c00fdcdfc48ff0ac708a2f753cc913fe BSC 3 years
CLD 0xd9151cd6fe7afe658cb5bce0a67d5b521e5cd874 BSC 3 years
CLD 0xb0d9bd0937720956b3f1d4cab7d54ebab1dcba7f ETH 3 years
CLD 0xc3951d77737733174152532e8b0f27e2c4e9f0dc ETH 7 years

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