Voxie - Voxie Voxie (Voxie) coin on BSC

Voxie Voxie is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Voxie reach!

Voxie Price
$9.018287724 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 10,000,000,000 Voxie
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $53
Holders: 16 addresses
24h Transactions: -
Voxie market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Voxie (Voxie) profile

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Check contract: 0xf166bce98c7cd58f7f8371c7981ac312f1bcd443
Listed: 2021-08-16 10:23:56
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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Voxie Voxie holders addresses dynamic

Voxie holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xe53a02848392c8071636815a2d2adea58ded8ab4 7,638,192,577.952890254 76.381925779529%
2 0xf302040f1b6bdcafe30222f4c24bd930d1f11a53 701,849,339.09370915 7.0184933909371%
3 PancakeSwap V2: Voxie 593,021,650.784258746 5.9302165078426%
4 0x172b6ee8387f02c76c13dcea40adfeb0294cfd72 395,286,319.415124951 3.9528631941512%
5 0x352ed07da51f6a3363b28445e084bbc3d8b05730 259,020,163.413252177 2.5902016341325%
6 0x2b11cff1fc052c1ffd9a287e60742b861777e195 150,290,797.649662795 1.5029079764966%
7 0x44f4da18d1e9609e13b3d10cd091e3836c69bff2 57,899,860.607964997 0.57899860607965%
8 0x36e0e47719969130386250b55fb89c34c73d6564 57,126,551.246772909 0.57126551246773%
9 0x5cde8f20e6b69255edfcab232a2c764e6823d3e0 29,400,588.009800147 0.294005880098%
10 0xaa37515dc6808ad08a2214545b051caa6bd5078f 18,692,677.764136829 0.18692677764137%
Voxie on BSCscan Check Voxie holders on BSCscan

Voxie Voxie daily transactions dynamic

Voxie on BSCscan Check Voxie transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support Voxie BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Voxie (Voxie) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy Voxie coin on mobile?

How to buy Voxie coin on mobile

How to buy Voxie coin on PC?

How to buy Voxie coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
VOXIE 0x211C6D1f916E1365a5A33B682d5C3B0B6D3CEB00 BSC 2 years
VOXIE 0x1fb7E2F313bf3a1848A93084d0cC9895276E8342 BSC 3 years

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