VRS - Veros Veros (VRS) coin on ETH

Veros VRS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Veros reach!

VRS Price
$0.056861 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 2,637,651 VRS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $153
Holders: 194 addresses
24h Transactions: -
VRS market: Uniswap Uniswap DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Mdex Mdex Any Swap Any Swap Any Swap Sushi Swap Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

Veros (VRS) profile

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Check contract: 0xAbC430136A4dE71c9998242de8c1b4B97D2b9045
Listed: 2020-02-10 05:08:35
Decimals: 6
Official site: http://vedh.io/
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DeBank Profile: DeBank.com VRS profile Check VRS Profile

VRS coin price dynamic

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Veros VRS holders addresses dynamic

VRS holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 Veros: Foundation 911,049.638451 34.540191534875%
2 0xada5f6c0f8fd0c65a4a88bb891819165892a89db 300,000 11.373757282952%
3 0xed422f2dd75826cea6d1ccf87fd79a11bff285fa 200,000 7.5825048553011%
4 0x5ef6cb30bdeb7417eff861e68bb405dc4a0b46c6 172,120.868505 6.525536605689%
5 0x439e38319b3ee3e2b24e9e1480166b492d23d23d 105,921.494416 4.0157512284503%
6 0x03fea254cfa7434004e8d495725bcbb7ccc40454 102,006.850425 3.8673371931077%
7 0x8594423c5c2e6034f4713c652e9cd59dd87727a8 100,000 3.7912524276505%
8 0xdbe4800552eca8b106c8970526648b914fe235ac 72,000.544 2.7297223723216%
9 0x7cfefb3e2ddf1c8c204e72a46d8e6d09f3cafc8f 64,450 2.4434621896208%
10 0x09c19f4fe25ccd31d304a332b6ce86ee199425a0 49,984.325674 1.8950319605603%
Veros on Etherscan Check Veros holders on Etherscan

Veros VRS daily transactions dynamic

Veros on Etherscan Check Veros transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support VRS ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy Veros (VRS) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy VRS coin on mobile?

How to buy VRS coin on mobile

How to buy VRS coin on PC?

How to buy VRS coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
VRS 0x7cd392a37a36152f5b3afe086a9832ad2ef8d145 BSC 1 year
VRS 0x45e98c259befc98d0f24fc36703ea0c28e7823de Polygon 1 year
VRS 0x880f843afee1af181ba1ca6af585d89c17f04968 BSC 1 year
VRS 0x9aa8a7abf11d979604274915923cadaed489356b ETH 1 year
VRS 0xb50faed43b749ed8b347786f87168a60b17d0454 BSC 1 year
VRS 0x7e194ac9db6799419e5c6d27ce1f945f5c906156 BSC 1 year
VRS 0x597fcc994cb6f7c6475502f4b9ed253340675142 BSC 1 year
VRS 0xfc0c16eff3422b3c756c832e8e831cf9d1a1a15d BSC 1 year
VRS 0x365bb7ad91b3a2002764c93d3471c58f9a4a9945 BSC 1 year
VRS 2YCQcQgy9nNhgukjAur1jCvMXgSTQ5FVDc3ae3BcspXS Solana 2 years
VRS 0xd0f0c45cd09de631a6cefd2519e499b335b8183f ETH 2 years
VRS 0x09629b26b069325d7af88729d5581979963cb0ed BSC 2 years
VRS 0x088fcd3ad3a712376409577ee9801799f1097a47 BSC 2 years
VRS 0x002eb235bd16f4dabad706da8c066cd000eec70c BSC 2 years
VRS 0xcda37cec1209e2c5b410c9ccc7b7add3c48c87d3 BSC 2 years
VRS 0xEf67C72EB419E8B63A50a7CE30d5383911e3d3fa BSC 2 years
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VRS 0x92e78dae1315067a8819efd6dca432de9dcde2e9 ETH 6 years

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