VEGA VEGA is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase VEGA reach!

VEGA Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000 VEGA
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 214 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

VEGA (VEGA) profile

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Check contract: 0x6487e7e02eb05b320042eb32d4d58809cf39af20
Listed: 2021-04-29 08:50:58
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
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VEGA VEGA holders addresses dynamic

VEGA holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 Null Address: 0x000...dEaD 84,207,428,874,916,500.602807894 84.207428874917%
2 0x3ddac5cf1ed74747ba6179c62d5732f433f409f4 767,308,428,993,070.487748714 0.76730842899307%
3 0x970f17be476a18ac46c74e2e5ff49db2227ea851 739,714,083,302,081.118625322 0.73971408330208%
4 0xd6721b47a4558eb7de19f98290cb908a34e99e50 648,905,100,000,000 0.6489051%
5 0x4b688e7d248c91b71a10a54eefab41e7172b3cbf 564,038,406,945,083.437236731 0.56403840694508%
6 0x5331b333f1258c07df040b2088dcd7dce8652bc2 478,344,235,233,893.317348801 0.47834423523389%
7 0x36ce83fd1a7c02f0ec27ad4a39a3c91d62051b14 403,197,575,223,947.025491379 0.40319757522395%
8 0x5b070f24834370dc940626bbccd8f7dd765d5691 400,979,282,100,677.168114671 0.40097928210068%
9 0x1af5596c908f0f235770234e5cc2dd700ac0f96c 383,410,399,256,518 0.38341039925652%
10 0xd26eb4c8c24fccbf99fa6ba9245a778e289393e8 381,121,006,803,004.2007305 0.381121006803%
VEGA on BSCscan Check VEGA holders on BSCscan

VEGA VEGA daily transactions dynamic

VEGA on BSCscan Check VEGA transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support VEGA BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy VEGA (VEGA) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy VEGA coin on mobile?

How to buy VEGA coin on mobile

How to buy VEGA coin on PC?

How to buy VEGA coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
VEGA 0xed09173035d57e517f28158ceed43647ae6aac48 BSC 1 year
VEGA 0x049bba3b8cf29935b3cd33caa6f8c2ca6263484c ETH 1 year
VEGA 0x68e09bd4c3c47bbbc211a967d800092c6f4e0809 BSC 1 year
VEGA 0xe1cfb0f6f7ed90705d470a994b3fbddf567783a4 BSC 1 year
Vega 0x3f0694429c8b8b320e617378bacdf53dcb4c2576 BSC 1 year
VEGA 0x0b9539a943652e66c16e9a19bf54e135980d0bf8 BSC 1 year
VEGA 0x62b45386f93dc2fc933520815ad7a1504ce236d6 BSC 2 years
VEGA 0x68d23428406c393fc8bc2cccec2be4cbc957dbea Polygon 2 years
VEGA 0xa972b89f61882f9547f8d72aba15f9bc7ef9e59c BSC 2 years
VEGA 0xc5dca5d20eb8bb723abf5e46b9a7568e8174f182 Polygon 2 years
VEGA 0x67dd908d97deb76fa30efc77be290c3d76da37fd Polygon 2 years
VEGA 0x40c998dc46c23375833561c275118720980d9ae1 Polygon 2 years
VEGA 0x2d7d34cd364fc5ff3f53fa6d4d9ad017ec8ef9a6 Polygon 2 years
VEGA 0x151a9140F65C157d0cCA7e56E6b78f5b98A47a3f Polygon 2 years
Vega 0xf098822f85062dac9b4fa5c2c3861e0bc42c810e BSC 2 years
Vega 0x16110ce6bf123838d736a6e2be8fdb327e50296f BSC 2 years
VEGA 0x12c7c4e598a788b4c20c9c92a829179458a6725e BSC 2 years
VEGA 0x4683c38665bc82032a2D15B52489f3666c281bed BSC 2 years
VEGA 0x2fd6249fdc1f02062336578f54087e05d5660776 ETH 2 years
VEGA 0xfe7d975697067e8a7f7d1cfa4faefb7323924f6b BSC 2 years
VEGA 0xcb84d72e61e383767c4dfeb2d8ff7f4fb89abc6e ETH 3 years
VEGA 0x5ab509498a8f6590ad34c976b7dfe2a15799951d BSC 3 years
VEGA 0x2fffe5b507f1ab98fdb6cffb879c6d090d51f18a BSC 3 years

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