UniSushi - UniSushi UniSushi (UniSushi) coin on ETH

UniSushi UniSushi is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase UniSushi reach!

UniSushi Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 3,489,926 UniSushi
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 49 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

UniSushi (UniSushi) profile

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Check contract: 0x50b379ec299e4585f2644ea6376d00b3c402c8cc
Listed: 2020-09-26 04:37:28
Decimals: 18
Official site: https://unisushi.finance/
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UniSushi coin price dynamic

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UniSushi UniSushi holders addresses dynamic

UniSushi holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x586dcf0a274a7ad4e9ff7eb9c8e8fa899025ffac 2,282,885.115569625784759572 65.413573918293%
2 Uniswap V2: UniSushi 2 455,675.75218335403682382 13.056889851762%
3 0x0f7ee3419d5c67743581e37bc4c92ab81fe042c8 223,917.936185279350859537 6.4161233390111%
4 UniSushi: Deployer 161,668.318181818181818002 4.6324286796157%
5 0xbac26b6a6dc56e30d1fee2e555e4acb58f092422 125,841.231967314890684534 3.6058427439565%
6 0x0594b57b092e02f391e763fddd2255c43af86b9a 123,555.585951564766139038 3.5403500594659%
7 0xa19c8e6604f559190316998fb12b65704dd24c63 83,974.893975016937530341 2.4062086597577%
8 0x0666998b8030cb776947f3db0799a4877ef502b3 12,555.81575261084778359 0.35977315557246%
9 chacaaan.eth 7,851.799872257505789516 0.22498472999479%
10 0x08b224625c88231033218fc9e648c5d4af02ebb2 3,977.098494229132077515 0.11395940363283%
UniSushi on Etherscan Check UniSushi holders on Etherscan

UniSushi UniSushi daily transactions dynamic

UniSushi on Etherscan Check UniSushi transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support UniSushi ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy UniSushi (UniSushi) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy UniSushi coin on mobile?

How to buy UniSushi coin on mobile

How to buy UniSushi coin on PC?

How to buy UniSushi coin on pc

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