STRL - Starlink Starlink (STRL) coin on BSC

Starlink STRL is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Starlink reach!

STRL Price
$1.226115955 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000 STRL
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 11 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Starlink (STRL) profile

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Check contract: 0x35b63c7f981b298107394e7bc5bc029550307bbd
Listed: 2022-02-02 05:57:04
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
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Starlink STRL holders addresses dynamic

STRL holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x2bb77f77b3efe99ee1f340f33ccda008426c3770 900,373,767,846.095270072 90.03737678461%
2 PancakeSwap V2: STRL 63 63,806,050,652.054226964 6.3806050652054%
3 0x0773ddd72965b45e1ba0d29dcd80dda742cead6e 9,106,179,352.100572812 0.91061793521006%
4 0x365139424770771e0a24ad0ff9bc52fcbb7fb4e0 6,209,508,965.149889968 0.62095089651499%
5 0xf70698e913c51db67a52b650ea4c624f7c9bacc0 5,283,221,245.456249594 0.52832212454562%
6 0x079116bb82f277507ffef907e15cdf0a3d318fa7 3,938,237,089.553261413 0.39382370895533%
7 0xf1023a04dae55b717bc3d259d7b6a464222bd18a 2,630,151,975.628402674 0.26301519756284%
8 0x35f0af18d7928bb7803336b7d7697b25352a2a15 2,368,605,585.139222141 0.23686055851392%
9 0xedeeff704a0c0ae871e615421dd86c769181bb33 1,778,898,718.6510858 0.17788987186511%
10 0x40ac3afe94bd2be380978fab3a4692f2afe39eaa 1,712,978,812.572258715 0.17129788125723%
Starlink on BSCscan Check Starlink holders on BSCscan

Starlink STRL daily transactions dynamic

Starlink on BSCscan Check Starlink transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support STRL BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Starlink (STRL) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy STRL coin on mobile?

How to buy STRL coin on mobile

How to buy STRL coin on PC?

How to buy STRL coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
STRL 0xd8505f2dcd7cad98228bbfe891d9f51b050fbc3c BSC 1 year
STRL 0x81e88c1c90ff90a4efe3148b306cbd05089d19a2 BSC 1 year
STRL 0x9808b9f25d50111a78721730941d829028d97509 BSC 1 year
STRL 0xf7c5b2c0b5a61c49e929a8e1b6f733a3a35d0ce9 BSC 2 years
strl 0x6c59019746d1dce2d201b25cdd82775f40ba18a8 BSC 2 years
strl 0x294189c18a19a94b8697680687514ba260b92cbf BSC 2 years
STRL 0x3150d907a278f9a1637dc3b29bae04abdfca373f BSC 2 years
STRL 0xca5309b2a2bc3e9e0dc0b43d7085b3900cdc5754 BSC 2 years
STRL 0xa25ecf6e19e93fcebe7e5ad93db6a591a7734c30 BSC 2 years
STRL 0x23B638D391f6E6fcAfBDA99C664507d9067B1afD BSC 2 years
STRL 0x62FaC1881d2043Bd6fA0ec067B381F99B1Af0dB3 BSC 2 years
STRL 0x1f6b1647895103a30f01bee8f312523c12f3330e BSC 3 years
STRL 0xa178ac5b930a135a9015093e3152556a27c642f1 BSC 3 years

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