SLB - Solberg Solberg (SLB) coin on Solana

Solberg SLB is a crypto coin (token) that running on Solana Ecosystem ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Solberg reach!

SLB Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,000,000 SLB
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 616 addresses
24h Transactions: -
SLB market: Raydium Swap Bonfida Orca Atrix 1Sol Spin Dexlab Mango.Markets
Wallets: Show supported wallets


ERC-20 Token Solana Ecosystem

Solberg (SLB) profile

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Check contract: 2uRFEWRBQLEKpLmF8mohFZGDcFQmrkQEEZmHQvMUBvY7
Listed: 2022-01-16 10:41:33
Decimals: 9
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Solberg SLB holders addresses dynamic

SLB holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 7bdJfRiZFj84Y2oScqpS9b5CUsmFoufhr9EHhppymh2G 24052660000000000 24052660000%
2 A24mwiJPykWkrS5UMrPWrA31EJMZhMXktXKVqJbdVvH5 20000000000000000 20000000000%
3 BTZwT29fL61Vg2e6SLn7Ptini2FcBexM2mREog4NPC9N 16059060722892366 16059060722.892%
4 74MLGUN25WhP5VPkJpDwEZQy2JqCkxpGxr6WJden4wwU 16000000000000000 16000000000%
5 HLhZN96K6aNujg9PawKwWd4SfK7ZmfsvM3o6ifcRiAM1 4000000000000000 4000000000%
6 Cad2S3wJNwjgyd4dzakh6oNE8QZDm8G6aYbcisjL5HBt 4000000000000000 4000000000%
7 2yfHhF5mjhjSiPQ1L9TbLSAYCACwW6pavGBcQhj5ffz4 2949237000000000 2949237000%
8 4aboXPdhWoPXKq1gWtKAn3TUqsEnBs3WyJCq7Z4Dxw6W 2629500000000000 2629500000%
9 HzYJRJVWc7YwURs51pyV28QDX8higLY5KbsfkFfyGBWx 1162140000000000 1162140000%
10 2peUN2jDx89jAMWAPRARwfmXJ8YCqogkaJ4ogZ8G1jKm 845186000000000 845186000%
Solberg on Solscan Check Solberg holders on Solscan

Solberg SLB daily transactions dynamic

Solberg on Solscan Check Solberg transactions on Solscan

Wallets that support SLB ERC-20 tokens on Solana Ecosystem

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Solberg (SLB) contact address and add in your wallet.

Coin98 Coin98 Solflare Solflare Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Zelcore Zelcore Mathwallet Math Wallet

How to buy & swap SLB coin?

How to buy SLB coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
SLB 0x91599ef1cba35a1896cc9e39a727c45f3903fce9 BSC 1 year
SLB 0x62c7ccad416df5010e8bfd6f019e924c7a3a6be6 BSC 1 year
SLB 0x2da6b459def6c808c5710a042f00270d2225dad1 BSC 1 year
SLB 0x6245e33e7de50af6a3e6f89495fb6280173a28c0 BSC 1 year
SLB 0x3cb03803d19b01c1dff331aaac62a92692e1b1dd BSC 2 years
SLB 0x037faee80a8b7d5616597198bf1afffb3f132c8b BSC 2 years
SLB 0x6c8a18bb0eed93ce39b8a9135d72c00ab12fe019 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x4c78cee81ec74e3842cb61ca9ab83439d018624a BSC 2 years
SLB 0xeb9bcf4afdefbd3a646e398b075c9169e8d38f41 BSC 2 years
SLB 0xc05ba27cc6fffbd8d95f16ae9b7790f563c6db00 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x6ed5c0b4698905eeb4170d6d9f8599e05a2f41c5 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x100131ef1a86ea96bf8620e42bbe92bb58330cd3 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x2e2e4756c47863f579a273137b8760e8721f4622 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x8F5E6955f612a03f20fB085a098B8a3Cc7BF74e6 BSC 2 years
SLB 0x2afabC9AfaB1D1DD008672931883847E84829906 BSC 2 years
SLB 0xad7111a6d3b8ae5645205d89fe7cb52c13dc2720 BSC 2 years
SLB DCp9Mef5CAbRTuSB4kf1wzemk87dRsdkjhypLBoQmJCK Solana 2 years
SLB 0x7064b1Acd269B1345b04cceF9df19073d23FE29d BSC 2 years
SLB 0x48c9785fbf819f983C45DAb7DF2eb8B0d73DD060 BSC 3 years
SLB 0x7f52ce8876A8c51E26E267b99cc681805e51D51f BSC 3 years

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