SHIRO INU SHIR is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase SHIRO INU reach!

SHIR Price
$2.3610436868512 ( -12.64%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 700,000,000,000 SHIR
24h Trade Volume: $65
Liquidity: $1,034
Holders: 5,761 addresses
24h Transactions: 3
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

SHIRO INU (SHIR) profile

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Check contract: 0x4ddba615a7f6ee612d3a23c6882b698dfbbef7e7
Listed: 2021-06-05 00:36:41
Decimals: 18
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SHIRO INU SHIR holders addresses dynamic

SHIR holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x53d0b22c67a3de6594e97461467b6752af454945 280,000,000,000 40%
2 0x88e4f533e9fa78b6e83b1a10862e34f5c60b336a 210,000,000,000 30%
3 0xa70c6bf8ad1d0fcb9dcf618551d0019d910843d4 140,000,000,000 20%
4 0x3f4d6bf08cb7a003488ef082102c2e6418a4551e 34,647,000,000 4.9495714285714%
5 0x12178dd6bab95de8511f0fc171b45452499ae5ba 30,000,000,000 4.2857142857143%
6 0xd91b2cd0f07a453bd24f6a798f40f6972e616c9f 1,407,129,538.865758335847913781 0.20101850555225%
7 0xd237e95f06095ee7cec2b7d276a5920c3ac2d620 777,793,421 0.11111334585714%
8 0xa1aae2e8f48e57171b9aac56c2ac16143221598d 461,013,660 0.065859094285714%
9 0xd25ca489273c75348635f2a80e7350535abdd136 452,240,403 0.064605771857143%
10 0x22caa8dcbdae3dafaf7cfb44f193e09312b4186d 412,428,985 0.058918426428571%
SHIRO INU on BSCscan Check SHIRO INU holders on BSCscan

SHIRO INU SHIR daily transactions dynamic

SHIRO INU on BSCscan Check SHIRO INU transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support SHIR BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy SHIRO INU (SHIR) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy SHIR coin on mobile?

How to buy SHIR coin on mobile

How to buy SHIR coin on PC?

How to buy SHIR coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
SHIR 0x1ac0350d594d1110815d0d5a4aa91574515ee1bf Polygon 1 year
SHIR 0x23da40c3463103ec9585b044328c99976cbbe1ad ETH 1 year
SHIR 0x7e242814b774174d1e366418c645e5a0452f6431 BSC 1 year
SHIR 0x2eeb140b772c1142a1562cc8ca94bacab3bf2d25 BSC 1 year
SHIR 0xe14533d7d903de826f6f1e05c1b88ec497418306 BSC 1 year
SHIR 0x311422bfe8bdf2a59dc46daa6dd0a3e712d0a457 ETH 2 years
SHIR 0x3193e08a28e8a301d3c48e160322e2d2d1b046f3 ETH 2 years
SHIR 0x9931619b45713a0432e982df7ede62d76199cfd6 BSC 2 years
Shir 0xb3f6aa417ce39d8dd6079add864f0cfe0d906563 BSC 2 years
SHIR 0x0ea329357427d407207438822cbfe2456e764170 BSC 2 years
SHIR 0x4f9bc91a98834559a58d761266f7ab0998af2bf8 BSC 2 years
SHIR 0x1f0489E6d50a9904058d70910665daCA2059F446 BSC 3 years

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Recent conversions

300 MAD to NZD 0.00000080 BTC to GBP 1500000 SHIB to CAD 1 LYD to EUR 1 KRW to VND 0.00075 BTC to ETH 6 ETH to CAD 150 NT to CZK 7 BTC to BTC 1750 ETH to USD 0.777 SOL to NOK