SCUBEFI SFI is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase SCUBEFI reach!

SFI Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 SFI
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 1 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

SCUBEFI (SFI) profile

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Check contract: 0x434e0ada490b01fec2427c0a6f9a74d4d77c0f27
Listed: 2022-11-22 14:50:03
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
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SCUBEFI SFI holders addresses dynamic

SFI holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x6d1611f2818b0481282f1f55a3f88898e85b64d4 1,000,000,000 100%
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SCUBEFI on BSCscan Check SCUBEFI transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support SFI BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy SCUBEFI (SFI) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy SFI coin on mobile?

How to buy SFI coin on mobile

How to buy SFI coin on PC?

How to buy SFI coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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SFI 0x87be11ff66d166f2a66fa444eeadb94083e55815 ETH 1 year
SFI 0xd55d9df77b23a7455613f2244ee4b6a45b6e2d00 BSC 1 year
SFI 0xaec178a67ed4c7b2f227398ccd80e11045b5ec35 BSC 1 year
SFI 0x7513410a1ee60fb469ca737e19e791bd98e87204 BSC 1 year
SFI 0x62721ae1c93d95dde2a35112b8bd5be6cd14c257 BSC 1 year
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SFI 0x2FA88E783f5563cf5e058f250CFF8b0FF292048D BSC 1 year
SFI 0x50b1f4c43994ab71a378d0fde0048b721abe4f0e BSC 1 year
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SFI 0x2d4bf6065ee45d302d9c78eaf400d98147f43fc9 BSC 1 year
SFI 0xe44d27505178505933bdd767f328a77a8ade11a2 ETH 1 year
SFI 0x2d24524a86ea9c9282c557d0009667ed986a41f0 ETH 1 year
SFI 0x50182eaa4b1b5dc23fed5d314e100a43f47db87c BSC 1 year
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SFI 0x317339c2dce205fde33b5012ca6cf194121a85d9 BSC 2 years
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SFI 0x5f103c264850944a57477b491cc91703524ca2c3 ETH 2 years
SFI 0xf8bb61fa5f60cf0bd8900df0d2e150db20c767f3 BSC 2 years
SFI 0x77dc7e3cebbaff77d1f6e6a70f5f53c711d355be BSC 2 years
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sfi 0xd2a8a2eedf448248521526909462ffa80e7b2b3f BSC 2 years
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SFI 0xF749FA6c784409E1bc0a2E0E3129CBfcd36cD6d1 BSC 2 years
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SFI 8udZmv2RrHpU8rPZhphUGhHpmyAqc9UzV4UihpThKvYh Solana 2 years
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SFI 0x924828a9fb17d47d0eb64b57271d10706699ff11 Fantom 3 years
SFI 0xb753428af26e81097e7fd17f40c88aaa3e04902c ETH 4 years
SFI 0x09a0cbeeed92206e34dd679624f58b74567ca8b7 ETH 4 years

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