PCNT - Playcent Playcent (PCNT) coin on BSC

Playcent PCNT is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Playcent reach!

PCNT Price
$0.0046791127825525 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 971,105 PCNT
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $2,485
Holders: 530 addresses
24h Transactions: -
PCNT market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Playcent (PCNT) profile

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Check contract: 0xe9b9c1c38dab5eab3b7e2ad295425e89bd8db066
Listed: 2022-01-12 06:02:16
Decimals: 18
Official site: https://anyswap.exchange/
Social profiles: -
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BitQuery Check: BitQuery Check PCNT
DeBank Profile: DeBank.com PCNT profile Check PCNT Profile

Playcent PCNT holders addresses dynamic

PCNT holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 PancakeSwap V2: PCNT-BUSD 258,755.936460921034809577 26.645510858114%
2 0x22eac1355400145592631a355ab0eb9d8da5ac3c 125,499 12.923316902094%
3 0x520e349c0bb23b5db82f3eac5050db125da44484 30,000 3.0892637157492%
4 0xfbd427449c095a676813b86102219af4c741ef53 14,601.937315317034897826 1.5036411709284%
5 0xad3636eab9a3a169743b869135ae81a4b0ceda82 14,546 1.4978810003096%
6 0x7ef1f108522696a449e5eeeedb24d06459e77680 14,312.298992389786788984 1.4738155322048%
7 0xfbaf92a01ab39f4a828bf8bb32249c3a25cf7b92 14,119.895070777176725429 1.4540026504113%
8 0x91e5253f15e270f694dedd3edadf6ae007b40c57 13,790.152548135257780522 1.4200472633867%
9 0x9dc210e57352442573f4adca98b5e0c8e6dd2871 12,205.022294932522490405 1.2568177508548%
10 0x2e5063b7a14acbba4e09b66a2d10b789879adc49 11,705.131161702331008956 1.2053412328644%
Playcent on BSCscan Check Playcent holders on BSCscan

Playcent PCNT daily transactions dynamic

Playcent on BSCscan Check Playcent transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support PCNT BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Playcent (PCNT) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy PCNT coin on mobile?

How to buy PCNT coin on mobile

How to buy PCNT coin on PC?

How to buy PCNT coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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