ONGCOIN ONC is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase ONGCOIN reach!

ONC Price
$0.02313275 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 21,000,000 ONC
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $171
Holders: 145 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

ONGCOIN (ONC) profile

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Check contract: 0x4a66faebfc2d9e09830b2c7714aa46546a0792a2
Listed: 2022-01-12 15:08:23
Decimals: 8
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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DeBank Profile: DeBank.com ONC profile Check ONC Profile

ONGCOIN ONC holders addresses dynamic

ONC holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x96eb6463c516726ad90282dab4b48f10cf8372b5 20,859,688.66328678 99.331850777556%
2 0x32314d6547f0178e30a152497acc312782681767 9,950 0.047380952380952%
3 0x899a0aa4f70a0dad57a513ec186d9ef7aebc5eae 8,201.91510514 0.039056738595905%
4 0x4a66faebfc2d9e09830b2c7714aa46546a0792a2 1,990 0.0094761904761905%
5 0x1221c08fad7773ec471bcd6d88b2b4fa4ffd310b 1,990 0.0094761904761905%
6 0x368e50ec172bf31e9cee9ec899e8466ad17ad9e4 1,990 0.0094761904761905%
7 0x7973cf26efc4d72c21fb3bb9009c2ea0fa765cad 1,990 0.0094761904761905%
8 0x09a2897791daa1e28c39f04aee5c459572f65cec 1,398.48096094 0.0066594331473333%
9 0xbd42bfb33a80cbfe33620d584e9d7635b3a65715 1,166.07130893 0.0055527205187143%
10 0xc5f2b5bfa06d8172bfd0f1037c78854781bae093 995 0.0047380952380952%
ONGCOIN on BSCscan Check ONGCOIN holders on BSCscan

ONGCOIN ONC daily transactions dynamic

ONGCOIN on BSCscan Check ONGCOIN transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support ONC BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Π‘opy ONGCOIN (ONC) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy ONC coin on mobile?

How to buy ONC coin on mobile

How to buy ONC coin on PC?

How to buy ONC coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
ONC 0xe2d88f42039547ffd08ef3c33be8d33d38b21cdd BSC 1 year
ONC 0x0fc4204be24221e21c5969f1ebc6a8e2eda83c14 BSC 1 year
ONC 0x8182f01eb1350185c1762e91a818b51d33cf6941 BSC 1 year
ONC 0x7fd98e33fc9b12ea7f71cc356792c9b4df6887ea BSC 1 year
ONC 0x738eff2096e25681e20f6f6424288a556d75e62b BSC 1 year
ONC 0xc12c1041570fe63f2788f2a60b73e8de10220cf3 BSC 1 year
ONC 0x8fa9cdada22db261b9579a120263fd5cbcb39525 BSC 1 year
ONC 0x4c484b3600c574261cb0d68bad3eb01c96a1250d BSC 1 year
ONC 0x804776c196b121625f9ffa1959cd94a9b2b6a6bb ETH 1 year
ONC 0x23972eF7A08619436d66c9286c964B1E0763e273 BSC 1 year
ONC 0xadf42ef4241ecab50b19ff97ec791a17be50a89d BSC 1 year
ONC 0x9fb6b456c4df044b9d9883c833c3abda1b87c2fb Polygon 2 years
ONC 0x6f3e81079cdcfc1dc4bd5c8c20907c3a6f4ee429 ETH 2 years
ONC 0x271e7bb86fb10e757c08c1f359f5ae372ccd2ec1 BSC 2 years
ONC 0x6464f68e5192ee755d3c15e156d97d73e47eaebb BSC 2 years
ONC 0xdf3239bc6d02f74b97e54f683497bf05a5447cbf BSC 2 years
ONC 0x8640E58d05687aBdCcDBbCFB3C76679eD81Eafac BSC 2 years
ONC 0x4920985d6a33d8c22cd0564707f043ef8fb40d17 BSC 2 years
ONC 0x506887c53cbcd078ce8969e61375c6d21ce5b47b BSC 2 years
ONC 0x436421fe79ef8e776fa05730efb6c5e39a89aea6 BSC 2 years
ONC 0xb7b193f1ba06b826b5ab9e922bb78a1eb86de339 ETH 2 years
ONC 0x74b3bc32d49ee4a82e35ee31b12bd3cc65c34994 BSC 3 years
ONC 0xf14704192fb9d589a246a987c81eabc135b7debd ETH 6 years

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