Ninja Soldier (NS) coin on BSC
Ninja Soldier NS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 Increase Ninja Soldier reach!
NS Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: | 0 NS |
24h Trade Volume: | $0 |
Liquidity: | $0 |
Holders: | 0 addresses |
24h Transactions: | - |
NS market: |
Wallets: | Show supported wallets |
BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)Ninja Soldier (NS) profile
Request updateShare: | Copy URL Shill |
Check contract: | 0x19e9ecd983c61d62b9724a65282fd8eb7dff9874 |
Listed: | 2022-08-08 16:17:03 |
Decimals: | 9 |
Official site: | - |
Social profiles: | - |
Check social sentiment: | NS in Twitter NS in Reddit NS on Youtube |
Scam check: | Check NS clones
BitQuery Check: | |
DeBank Profile: |
Ninja Soldier NS holders addresses dynamic
![Ninja Soldier on BSCscan](/images/chains/bsc.png)
Ninja Soldier NS daily transactions dynamic
![Ninja Soldier on BSCscan](/images/chains/bsc.png)
Wallets that support NS BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Ninja Soldier (NS) contact address and add in your wallet.
This is not a financial advice and please be careful in using this information! Other terms please see here.
How to buy NS coin on mobile?
![How to buy NS coin on mobile](
How to buy NS coin on PC?
![How to buy NS coin on pc](
Coins with similar name
Name | Ticker | Contract | Network | Age |
NS | 0x505dc8f09f648ab735ccf706bb48d2ba8c96ff77 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xe45f8c5c8db429acdaf0bcf46ad474ecff83f5af | ETH | 1 year | |
ns | 0x6c6f11f1c8b848604d54c44e435e65680833a262 | Polygon | 1 year | |
NS | 0x771b3484bd887cca69df309c7e9ef92c7dfcbd6e | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x0d44f9659eb3d4c23aabde60c320504210bc9025 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xa035a03cf8fe0f60e68b0b9211f973742ee1a753 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x6af83b736c8bddc5fbb090c22199b832b98f2e51 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x76e880372f6d81cb2f87912acfd48a9f1028864d | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xd28f8a0c585784ea24d3945d81d212fb07e3b813 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xaeca09d8156f08ce58c70121483fc6f94cc673e5 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x37142e7205181be7dea6d3b9f52c3fb5e47c6a9a | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xbe6ef528d2ef6c213e7cebeee8dfb70311362fdd | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xb80bee3bf2f37466a38bd9a0ae1adf8eb23ea72d | BSC | 1 year | |
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NS | 0xe7e5abdabfd956b0d7769d5f1f3cf4a27cd28c4e | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0xe51ad513b71660811d0c332e1e5e4719c1715351 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x61176c684ffc0d3677b43495bcf10d7083902320 | BSC | 1 year | |
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NS | 0x6910794a06236425a01c8209a08105367e226e51 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x734ecd44eaf67115285e069d14d2af65a69da245 | ETH | 1 year | |
NS | 0x4aD5d05cd9495de7Fc005d8621A9c49BbeA9E8B9 | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x16c3b0e61d67a9fd495339222115cbb9bbc090d7 | ETH | 1 year | |
NS | 0xe46c26d573182e5feb30730f955e3172f622c90a | ETH | 1 year | |
NS | 0xe46c26d573182e5feb30730f955e3172f622c90a | BSC | 1 year | |
NS | 0x58f4606149520badaf723ae4b181b199b0cf4500 | ETH | 2 years | |
NS | 0x8556a7e5b3a5ff6fe07f7cdf2def332fb8358b58 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x287bb0ccf7c53a13546fbb4041968efcd211f785 | ETH | 2 years | |
NS | 0xa203953fd22ea07611b0c80c15219d8dbeeccbfb | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xabac65ae62a56b2f0b33606aabbb0f567f91f4ee | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x353a21312d28e49658cfd7cf8a2a5797bd4823cc | ETH | 2 years | |
NS | 0x8d4f53fd9eb62719c9a2bf9066347ac4eb8a61e8 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x619417cccec4a0622dd488e0d3d33591aaf336f1 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x28432e3e34f9a463fd1e201cf53a6757dbb3ac81 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x89a089316bc3804b5819c383438b322a24935c09 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xb6ce70fe38b379b65d4e1aaf32761599e5d604a7 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x0fa21d3a7e45291bc8112e5c98e81e4cf2ab58fe | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xab3b445f403292654fd34d8b9fb5e58234a7930d | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xa7fad9e6ba44068c5e38532df26de2018462cff1 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xd9c05da0fef93ec1512c4afb5fe53012853914a4 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x90d929d0bbc8791f9f3587ed9a746c8703af19c0 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x865282b59ab0956ca1223e0111b7125cec2a8de0 | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x49fd36d692d7325e6a05be46450876ba74f9350a | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x39ef5a9d4c3668be9b6a5bc2aa204d8e7c881f0c | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x5d4678577679064b6a345df09b53b936114d5019 | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0xc3f297b4e55e916191d4a0af8d1e8fd278d0b45c | ETH | 2 years | |
NS | 0x777dbb22698a119f0de66a5933bd08b9e7b4d103 | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x1c6860348795fabb30d694c8cc0450ec2c88d104 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xb1c8f841b6fa2421cf91c78ccb2ba40cdb49f4d1 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x6a770ab64f7807431e3f0d5d680b6928da5ecb60 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x1e7dfd82507e34ba48e34a5543d28700b923a968 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x1B0c3f1Ceece908955F8e18EF7aEac3e306c14d5 | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x872FbA112105192a742260c4BA4B23854A903a98 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x32b9e502D16E4FA9b83a5BF927700dc836246E6C | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x6F9bf0b833d93937fE27BfA269c716C2Fe94521f | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xa387B027420aC55F5c9Ddf8BE262017DFCb2CE87 | BSC | 2 years | |
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NS | 0x3B9d3241b58A942F39c4f38b36916f44a4359c26 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xfC40caE5caA0C8D30841b2005DECc063F631835d | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x6B969Acd7a3d46D3452c47eA15cEAA25b47d2455 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x103f0791a8e0f02A0abcc1c8963a99D5cccE5584 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x11dEb8F5A71A41967764B798a7c82E0eBc8a75BB | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x4940c191D68d766fDb80e15C6Bc26255d28B3850 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x2D7aAb971Bf38395BDAEdCF91D248D550C944931 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xFc4A87a87aA4EAf8556F1fb9343Ae7eEF9FB7AD3 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x374c9CfBA4B4D4f996A6e9A6B18e8CACd00F4688 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x9E5020a8605e41bbc28B5956640231fc29ddaC07 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x9b0dAD4Dc940b9a55047cCC4eb688E96eBddA61C | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x7EC980F8194fE5dd8d17C5AF9620b0B368515E63 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xB972D043aEEEA97f25EF0640Cb3CdB7bFf1b683d | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xc92B7bA761059D6836e8e6CcA4dDdF1E109af452 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x8B738c4645EF5B3e7f38482904B77A0dDf60574F | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xf56D6a74b3bd5e80A86DF461dA88CF1CA152d2F0 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x4322A48148c38879D5ba40f7371dc6C57EbB5c21 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xEF66255a0b97b521A4A7189f409F1Be29dAb4675 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xa97B0FCabC44a8ddAF1f0D8a129a44D4A927a304 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x86CBD288F70339058B3e2FE14d80AC554C790298 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xdc1b73d31712a27701888275b689bd413f35d43b | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xE5ba4805DeEDad196A42Cf297F5E2063bC879603 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x3B415489b56E8B091F5716B14650f2F399862990 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x83F645dD9132FE06352A6A1448596967396b0814 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x84CcE6BbDAEF348597b79D7DF9cd48CFcAC3B51F | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x6ECA4B510E86C3Abd8516e39a41B01e772d4dc15 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xc2D1b14bABA7147780258a19D2F2894c0831609a | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x80c89e1338D6E1230fd3Af9f913B5240C2A7792d | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xeD189502E02EF01BBcfbD6C1f7db2c89589E1C4c | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x147f924eb6C3079637Aa0E9e643a589298A1791a | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x196FD62930eCfC2877EaEAF57c450cf617B022E2 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x71a076f05Ee8ab51D02CBcaF922593ad8A052DDd | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xc1270F79d1FB4454d3Bca6ba70dF3ca0D3739B5A | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x67aC307E2385e5ADd4e29289D32AdA68Cf4280EA | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xf75fDe9f95d07EedAc8Ee553d55a594F0d805F56 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x2AE9a86358BF178e61EC704A7f43C299822c1A78 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xE02F857f52AbFE4d70d5FC0De6cb99dD4607b1a8 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xe35d1d23c4744fe517480dc07c93a2f88fb9f2a2 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0xb959081A2bC2a22f67B5b1A89eCD79189afC20a9 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x2D3691DF5105E68284D79706ac2B98803cc04068 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x660839262967f7d6895940e871453f3e5a79c9f8 | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x16b3b396eF31d152A8F4B3921CA193Ac285BA28B | BSC | 2 years | |
NS | 0x2e3eddddee6be00778cd3770f55ae89d29df9d54 | BSC | 2 years |
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