NFT COCKS DICKS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Solana Ecosystem ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase NFT COCKS reach!

$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 2,000,000,000 DICKS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 3 addresses
24h Transactions: -
DICKS market: Raydium Swap Bonfida Orca Atrix 1Sol Spin Dexlab Mango.Markets
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ERC-20 Token Solana Ecosystem


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Check contract: G2mgq8ve2b6uVvdHtty2KtkDT67ztX7RH9e2Nhctumca
Listed: 2022-01-16 10:46:44
Decimals: 0
Official site: -
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DICKS coin price dynamic

Bogged.finance Check Chart on Raydium.io

NFT COCKS DICKS holders addresses dynamic

DICKS holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 9fusonLS6qhfsBpKGtqM8pFavsfZEnzvg4jceVD2Rj8r 999999931000000000 49999996550%
2 7X16pUtCvhR87y5EsUYzJ9t3wymXGKRduNFY1ds7wyqY 999000000000000000 49950000000%
3 93tCD6MLxBrZU652UFCnLcUZwpPPYXS67SQ8SaYjuvqE 1000069000000000 50003450%
NFT COCKS on Solscan Check NFT COCKS holders on Solscan

NFT COCKS DICKS daily transactions dynamic

NFT COCKS on Solscan Check NFT COCKS transactions on Solscan

Wallets that support DICKS ERC-20 tokens on Solana Ecosystem

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy NFT COCKS (DICKS) contact address and add in your wallet.

Coin98 Coin98 Solflare Solflare Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Zelcore Zelcore Mathwallet Math Wallet

How to buy & swap DICKS coin?

How to buy DICKS coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
DICKS 0x421f5de919273f30727eba54378043e5dc5c7f53 ETH 1 year
Dicks 0x364b52dbb6d873f1228033d55e830fc796b07093 BSC 2 years
Dicks 0x54F7E68871EeC3c68493c58Dd71AA7Af973DB38B BSC 2 years
Dicks 0x74F3A151650279503171fc7a5b6F284D774F1e1C BSC 3 years
DICKS 0x95525f3a98a7c1485199c50d99eb1f8b8908feac BSC 3 years

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