MYMP - MyMetaPlayer MyMetaPlayer (MYMP) coin on BSC

MyMetaPlayer MYMP is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase MyMetaPlayer reach!

MYMP Price
$5.7951949167925 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 5,000,000,000 MYMP
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $69
Holders: 80 addresses
24h Transactions: -
MYMP market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

MyMetaPlayer (MYMP) profile

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Check contract: 0xa5A8887b36e5F73aE6c951513F7882a38Cd2dEA0
Listed: 2022-01-13 13:16:37
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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MyMetaPlayer MYMP holders addresses dynamic

MYMP holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 KIPS: Locked Wallet 3,054,150,800 61.083016%
2 PancakeSwap V2: MYMP 2 1,199,560,956.101327796271985781 23.991219122027%
3 0xd385dd30473c84708f9fe8db8d9407a593abb749 200,000,000 4%
4 0xdd3640add0b81204d76090b342202402b4f48d45 160,735,458.165843812624937115 3.2147091633169%
5 0xaf0181cd7b982eca12815e94e9742ca2bf542fa7 100,000,000.000000000000000001 2%
6 0xd448e5be31f01833ece651bdabaa19742abb08d6 100,000,000 2%
7 0xf4be044ba7461d8444ed53f9ec7490781e08e3b7 55,000,000 1.1%
8 0x39c11be8d02e0ff17f7eed6417152656c5133034 27,440,528 0.54881056%
9 0x6fde4177755afd0d3abae9f16e0e25f5520d6541 25,000,000 0.5%
10 0xad1467cfca4eee70f2edf18b27c657e1bd7ebc19 16,523,898.470334834412143359 0.3304779694067%
MyMetaPlayer on BSCscan Check MyMetaPlayer holders on BSCscan

MyMetaPlayer MYMP daily transactions dynamic

MyMetaPlayer on BSCscan Check MyMetaPlayer transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support MYMP BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy MyMetaPlayer (MYMP) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy MYMP coin on mobile?

How to buy MYMP coin on mobile

How to buy MYMP coin on PC?

How to buy MYMP coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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MYMP 0x75715a8499a8dbdf33056bed16faadbfb89c6f87 BSC 2 years

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