MNST - (MNST) coin on BSC MNST is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase reach!

MNST Price
$0.0067399911352487 ( 0.06%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 200,000,000 MNST
24h Trade Volume: $7,437
Liquidity: $113,358
Holders: 3,846 addresses
24h Transactions: 30
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC) (MNST) profile

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Check contract: 0x6a6ccf15b38da4b5b0ef4c8fe9fefcb472a893f9
Listed: 2022-01-12 18:53:35
Decimals: 18
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MNST holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x6f4eb564b4c3e3654e34f45c7f3df0aff35f92d1 74,809,890.59108331830632 37.404945295542%
2 0xd6216fc19db775df9774a6e33526131da7d19a2c 24,260,759 12.1303795%
3 0xffcbfd6df714560d955b7a6587ccbcd7c5aa6d2a 20,000,000 10%
4 0x26e2182f84ad8a306a0b9bd2587b28498c576ddc 20,000,000 10%
5 0x08EC444E910ceAc9f55CD27A284f1b6979A9022F 7,169,243.525000000000000033 3.5846217625%
6 0xb993311ec7f935b3a67c5a41ac34bc412e725ed5 6,233,333.33333333333333334 3.1166666666667%
7 0x839e593c180417fc54bfb3f388a9ab4ef6eb63fa 6,143,286.88 3.07164344%
8 0x1a6d31188359b4c53718ccd994b0144aac38446b 5,189,853.875 2.5949269375%
9 0x4a5bb1c9347a0d4f7e06a29239162f03647d9232 3,073,915.613333333333333332 1.5369578066667%
10 0x2486f44629de2816302b840da41b18e5f2d38af9 3,039,493.13948364911739188 1.5197465697418% on BSCscan Check holders on BSCscan MNST daily transactions dynamic on BSCscan Check transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support MNST BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy (MNST) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy MNST coin on mobile?

How to buy MNST coin on mobile

How to buy MNST coin on PC?

How to buy MNST coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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MNST 0x53ec1f17a9ca538573e98ec6ebdba7df007ad41b BSC 1 year
MNST 0x064510897f8463fc6893cf73ffe7f7c5b401dad2 BSC 1 year
MNST 0x9d89fc898cfd8f6bff80a7d8ad5d68258ce2a444 BSC 1 year
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MNST 0xb701caa3d1510fd3acf2555668cab6215954908f BSC 1 year
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MNST 0x4b9e4d80497aa3c3b81ad4e76579058fe60bf565 BSC 1 year
MNST 0x65b4cc1d63bfc5c7e775dfdac398b345c1e15b76 BSC 1 year
MNST 0x5a65b3fd226016fab7dc31f4f9d2b55997f392d3 BSC 2 years
MNST 0xc7eb7b5eca64485108eb785c28c341b812243108 ETH 2 years
MNST 0x1aeC5e427293aB7AD53d6856d45377F66C36E1F7 BSC 2 years
MNST 0x5bc159c521bdc136f3d5af679d535a25f01f7f2e ETH 3 years
MNST 0x76e7e2037dd53dae078c37df447798b1f2decc77 BSC 3 years
MNST 0x1e54e6bdb33cf3392678c0dea9128ae5ee2e983b ETH 3 years

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