MGS - MoonGearSolid MoonGearSolid (MGS) coin on Solana

MoonGearSolid MGS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Solana Ecosystem ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase MoonGearSolid reach!

MGS Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 9,999,999,999 MGS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 8 addresses
24h Transactions: -
MGS market: Raydium Swap Bonfida Orca Atrix 1Sol Spin Dexlab Mango.Markets
Wallets: Show supported wallets


ERC-20 Token Solana Ecosystem

MoonGearSolid (MGS) profile

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Check contract: AATv4cJz1ykW3XBDBwqCwbvGjg3SfWNJ47tSKhriTZuD
Listed: 2022-01-16 10:44:33
Decimals: 0
Official site: -
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MoonGearSolid MGS holders addresses dynamic

MGS holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 4CbUt9NAPQQSHA2gBgvGoeP9ycBgWm4SyERqEtAhcU43 9994749899 99.947498999995%
2 FKvVzpKigoVya6xzBh9PAQ6pFgMBFWzUnG7NvcvUqEij 1000100 0.010001000001%
3 BNa84GS19dQtqwiBpUKfp1Ldvpo76hEGrYuLSLvZS1Rf 1000000 0.010000000001%
4 EFmbJAfzJmGLAmTpPtbdPNH9tP5Ur8qy7WVWpiemMivF 1000000 0.010000000001%
5 5MS1LLDFEbASLnHhhmrpsknYoN8A1AuofCWKcmghDDzD 1000000 0.010000000001%
6 BEjdD2YZui5FAw5DrDw7x8eEDnK73j9U5J9CzKu4PK78 500000 0.0050000000005%
7 3n8vDNpS93PxvdjAEaWVBAZTf3V3isFLa4hGfc8sUowG 500000 0.0050000000005%
8 5JXPyPmy4SN3sVVAxRrGLPY4skSjtN3HwTzCGf95srF3 250000 0.00250000000025%
MoonGearSolid on Solscan Check MoonGearSolid holders on Solscan

MoonGearSolid MGS daily transactions dynamic

MoonGearSolid on Solscan Check MoonGearSolid transactions on Solscan

Wallets that support MGS ERC-20 tokens on Solana Ecosystem

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy MoonGearSolid (MGS) contact address and add in your wallet.

Coin98 Coin98 Solflare Solflare Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Zelcore Zelcore Mathwallet Math Wallet

How to buy & swap MGS coin?

How to buy MGS coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
MGS 0xcc218a37963fcc06a664d217cc2692126e370999 BSC 1 year
MGS 0xcf4707290c96b64aa49878857648150f51b2a999 BSC 1 year
MGS 0x29f2e39c7f4739ac1bb6cc6f21998bcab6f6aff0 BSC 1 year
MGS 0xf83f670bd2f6498199d75e70503750b28af2ceba AVAX 1 year
MGS 0x1346eec1d9809b872f2e89665231d93a06ade732 BSC 1 year
MGS 0xe602181bafa9d3dfc3e3a9b9262c31d47a2da484 Polygon 1 year
MGS 0x6Fa1eB87f25dD90A387d07B89b4A4879AF9a6779 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x8d135c31c90f611b65177c4e421299b0a05371cc BSC 2 years
MGS 0x508bb0cc321ac5d526da22fa4b41f3b7709535d8 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x76b5cbe7c4e14a380c331802d2cb62da84e49300 BSC 2 years
MGS 0xd29cb94512ba32579a427a5ec15c9bed2c6bf19b ETH 2 years
MGS 0x4aebe70b2c235fffa290a44b7a70aa7dc52c2e70 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x3e2cf45cf5fb86935fef225d5cca64f8ac3cd38b BSC 2 years
MGS 0x3f4d9adcc9e477140b97767f82930b51490a270e ETH 2 years
MGS 0x0e9863b348f0b27989d6615d5bcb9fcc2fc7524e BSC 2 years
MGS 0xb36e1b362d753a8fc729e9b46764e1040cb235b4 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x42791fb50c5734a596cde291ec35b0beb2d12421 ETH 2 years
MGS 0xa9ed80cb42757d8150a8f006dcb1728ecd97c98b ETH 2 years
MGS 0x31341fea8409ecca9da6c328fa49573b3abee45c BSC 2 years
MGS 0x98d18858995c62c115df7ff7e36902c0b2cc80c0 Polygon 2 years
MGS 0x629b12e3dc1a71d8cd64959e416f25785418a5e6 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x4dB72E5B6b2Da52c1dad1EED9434239B754d5f1C BSC 2 years
MGS 0xBd9611646fc03c2b4d63b534e34396bF5b879eB4 BSC 2 years
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MGS 0xc29a4589be11c225acf8774b1f04ed40a7357022 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x4b6c52e53f8c872cb0792608d1f0250d9d72ae99 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x1dD9aa3E577A1d036c0c892a32A7A2b95394ECa7 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x8f06b8d23a7fa9cc1e354db265a4356f74c1100b BSC 2 years
MGS 0xe7932e63e6b5a675004bd477e4ff6152a4ed9746 BSC 2 years
MGS 0xd02f695326942ef64ef10ec950c7f4f15fb80009 BSC 2 years
MGS 0xb15421f6ed902f6f91ae64954737174bdbd45f6c Polygon 2 years
MGS 0x2556eb50d4c26e7d183416433b5c4926ab023b0e BSC 2 years
MGS 0x9efc4be0a39d0361fc8b79d78b31c424e9df30af BSC 2 years
MGS 0xb6ddfbcaf5d898723d5b67be17abbe8d34933673 ETH 2 years
MGS 0x04e39663c502e616517573ac1cd051c0a14f6c13 BSC 2 years
MGS 0x1a7cc52ca652ac5df72a7fa4b131cb9312dd3423 ETH 6 years

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