LXC - Linux Coin Linux Coin (LXC) coin on BSC

Linux Coin LXC is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Linux Coin reach!

LXC Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000 LXC
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 32 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Linux Coin (LXC) profile

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Check contract: 0x773d95afc05a72588b2486b49b97cecd62c7bc5c
Listed: 2021-05-11 23:34:18
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
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Linux Coin LXC holders addresses dynamic

LXC holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x9f8d49546fba923ccfd0fa7538f66bad774f1a9c 587,697.324021161395288491 58.769732402116%
2 0x777595f70bd409f9213dfb69b0db06cd163a6a3e 198,039.794613648144819376 19.803979461365%
3 0xc2600e6c83fc487c3126721d18a2a021ee0c809e 34,415.02730202371436824 3.4415027302024%
4 0xa83b0589fe1a0c87ea2596c6ed1138a78c51beac 30,116.737670200535228596 3.0116737670201%
5 0xdd6090bf7ce5905f2bd35e7989a069979c8d566d 22,692.03392672160035839 2.2692033926722%
6 0xfe04a6baa0702e4b8120455def8843511fa57709 20,324.870511912683056174 2.0324870511913%
7 0x38cd896c136efbc36e275790184a7525c6891740 18,484.131753355493293198 1.8484131753355%
8 0x0d0d40fe2c22f04d56a12a2e4c56ed2e05169ca5 15,366.711662605665878838 1.5366711662606%
9 0xc89e9bb3f1a01fb44830afa9da8ba83ac910f5c2 9,755.586291123942565986 0.97555862911239%
10 0x29ca0ade16ab90a959e2ac11b86bb3fe56802a99 9,723.371573324214225046 0.97233715733242%
Linux Coin on BSCscan Check Linux Coin holders on BSCscan

Linux Coin LXC daily transactions dynamic

Linux Coin on BSCscan Check Linux Coin transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support LXC BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Linux Coin (LXC) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy LXC coin on mobile?

How to buy LXC coin on mobile

How to buy LXC coin on PC?

How to buy LXC coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
LXC 0x19f9b743211c4cb530e04f8f9160d1550b3218f8 BSC 1 year
LXC 0xf0c32202483d37137757700deda185999db92911 BSC 1 year
LXC 0xdfc76b7a8f7751016fbd093a62ef65a6a2e7a1bd BSC 1 year
LXC 0xd537cfbce375176165a031705d8f4e4e841abb32 BSC 1 year
LXC 0x87cc179cca917b5fb076631f0fa423f9ab0bb8dc BSC 1 year
LXC 0x782db93377e1e983bfcb35c04e36b57bb5f437c7 BSC 1 year
lxc 0x95e0518a0d467b0bffd35a186d3bd5bd7441dce4 Fantom 1 year
LXC 0xbd8f39e03e7d4c10e6669b0838b75912ec5107f4 BSC 1 year
LXC 0xd47fae64c0ce22f78da0956f35bfce1cf7f4ce62 BSC 1 year
LXC 0x9552AAdF1cDe41550364E9b8cA070ef11ddb3b29 BSC 1 year
LXC 0x953af97fa80545aaf78f670fbf4abf8a39f4949b BSC 1 year
LXC 0xc48825c105e38740a64946a529342442dc4d91bb ETH 1 year
LXC 0x391e142585f501c32ad34da30f76a8fd8f285f92 BSC 1 year
LXC 0x072178f8229d19a3517f439bc9ba23a29d3eb649 BSC 1 year
LXC 0xa52df3ebb1a9780c7645aacf223ef97d8bad6d48 BSC 1 year
LXC 0xb3f2bfb505d1a37ff964d5d29a80f445e5ff4303 BSC 2 years
LXC 0xbfc2c2bd2b9c1782446f5382e1f04298d67fd818 BSC 2 years
LXC 0x76eaaf77ecb6b673ed4f94f2c12915b80f60dde9 BSC 2 years
LXC 0xDc1ec74eDa7108e53653effa650072B4A56EEd32 BSC 2 years
LXC 7SyL8WHkAhGqciL9qrLMRYrsBpiFCF9LEfCwvTWhqNRQ Solana 2 years
LXC 0x61c13b7c5ccd3d1b97f8687d1e7778b28115ad5a ETH 6 years
LXC 0x6a404a3386655bd8b63e584f2efd2e3fb60e70f8 ETH 7 years

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