Lif3 - Lif3 Lif3 (Lif3) coin on Fantom

Lif3 Lif3 is a crypto coin (token) that running on Fantom ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Lif3 reach!

Lif3 Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,200 Lif3
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 5 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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ERC-20 Token Fantom

Lif3 (Lif3) profile

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Check contract: 0xb885d671d0bc8ab77e97333747a8141efa5909c0
Listed: 2022-06-03 11:04:03
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
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Lif3 coin price dynamic

Any Swap Check Chart on DexScreener

Lif3 Lif3 holders addresses dynamic

Lif3 holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xcfa9617445ae3147a63a6f3d7b60479063352013 99,639.0111886323 99.440130926779%
2 0xbf7a2daed55796a516a663d5f8167ff3c3f3c187 554.497590648174 0.55339080903011%
3 0xba7f59244ecb7c951ba057205180519dd7e97761 5 0.0049900199600798%
4 0x36b0952726b19ef72d3bae4e87f568a465ec14c6 0.996207840282185 0.00099421940147923%
5 0x9c078f4495b59b4be748ab64a109f90b4c5cfca3 0.495002899305364 0.00049401486956623%
6 0xac694f0011ee3690bb67aeecb496acce27e1264b 9.979900400594E-06 9.9599804397146E-9%
Lif3 on FTMScan Check Lif3 holders on FTMScan

Lif3 Lif3 daily transactions dynamic

Lif3 on FTMScan Check Lif3 transactions on FTMScan

Wallets that support Lif3 ERC-20 tokens on Fantom

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Lif3 (Lif3) contact address and add in your wallet.

Metamask Metamask Mathwallet Math wallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet

How to buy Lif3 coin on Fantom mainnet?

Check this official article about how to swap Fantom tokens on Sushi Swap

How to buy Lif3 coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
LIF3 0x110b25d2b21ee73eb401f3ae7833f7072912a0bf Polygon 1 year
LIF3 0x336f374198c872ba760e85af9c6331c3c5a535d3 BSC 1 year
LIF3 0x5e074c28149cc35c1e5fbc79d8a6ea688dba2314 Fantom 1 year
LIF3 0x7138eb0d563f3f6722500936a11dcae99d738a2c ETH 1 year
LIF3 0xc944151ba61cfedd9625bfc086398b55642c1492 AVAX 1 year
LIF3 0x56ac3cb5e74b8a5a25ec9dc05155af1dad2715bd Polygon 2 years
LIF3 0x80d2fe89b6c6c24edfb553daf35599649ac55283 BSC 2 years
LIF3 0x997ec5aa13d987b278511ebda475571dfa27747e BSC 2 years
LIF3 0xfdf663fbfcea138777b92b671ca9ac1c00d172e2 Fantom 2 years
LIF3 0xbf60e7414EF09026733c1E7de72E7393888C64DA Fantom 2 years
LIF3 0x83a0392af387636aBBdE418E1fcA702325B63790 Fantom 2 years

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