Legends - Legends Legends (Legends) coin on ETH

Legends Legends is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Legends reach!

Legends Price
$0.0026161971132198 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,000,000 Legends
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 12 addresses
24h Transactions: -
Legends market: Uniswap Uniswap DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Mdex Mdex Any Swap Any Swap Any Swap Sushi Swap Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

Legends (Legends) profile

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Check contract: 0x984d21ba10bc42890aeb0b1736b4e61aa42df360
Listed: 2021-12-07 10:02:37
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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BitQuery Check: BitQuery Check Legends
DeBank Profile: DeBank.com Legends profile Check Legends Profile

Legends coin price dynamic

Any Swap Check Chart on DexScreener

Legends Legends holders addresses dynamic

Legends holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xe2fb7cd79395fb3caf46b19d6ba0be3502929ef6 111,062,746.760812743693197353 111.06274676081%
2 0x0a5acb325438e479ab115ddae3fe0633e1e98425 84,469,849.099962528117238828 84.469849099963%
3 0xf8d32cdaaa11f5876e9fe103a1e5025bf9015c53 7,828,222.614543458094240879 7.8282226145435%
4 0x8f058d9675e5ab0776aa892d52c38cf351c4c3ff 4,317,758.417747464662706214 4.3177584177475%
5 0x86626ff0b721713c473aa54e9436da26191f22f6 1,349,962.516562814925675791 1.3499625165628%
6 0xc1e825878d61a8f1b520e4be098c036d35a6825e 772,749.698298474201850862 0.77274969829847%
7 0xc493f3efb6f10dd733c38ecfc4e3375c6068a71c 768,050.850971339672790314 0.76805085097134%
8 0x0c29be88d9d488e4cec0d8544bbd85a99a3cd423 252,660.60200093278436327 0.25266060200093%
9 sconade.eth 119,387.054296132451153394 0.11938705429613%
10 0xfac548234c2ef547ab51b0e5f8dced4422b91029 91,506.25 0.09150625%
Legends on Etherscan Check Legends holders on Etherscan

Legends Legends daily transactions dynamic

Legends on Etherscan Check Legends transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support Legends ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Legends (Legends) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy Legends coin on mobile?

How to buy Legends coin on mobile

How to buy Legends coin on PC?

How to buy Legends coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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LEGENDS 0x985a1a962885e944c11da668bad6667bce3cfb6d ETH 1 year
LEGENDS 0x314102Ec4641EE0f4bEAc2A0Ee1E902aECe2b81E ETH 2 years
LEGENDS 0x9f6627aceb9ecdbf36a3f504ca25fbb2b0fb1507 BSC 2 years
LEGENDS 0xdD26Cb76de047d5E46e5a10A4573d5B01E7cbf4A BSC 2 years
LEGENDS 0x23EB8D9b25e59BaFaC606c708087711A6FE4D4e9 BSC 2 years

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