INMAX INX is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase INMAX reach!

INX Price
$0.0286274 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 6,500,000 INX
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 3,442 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

INMAX (INX) profile

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Check contract: 0x018d7d179350f1bb9853d04982820e37cce13a92
Listed: 2018-10-13 00:30:10
Decimals: 8
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What is Inmax?

INMAX is A dependable digital asset exchange and financial system INMAX comes as a novel cryptocurrency trading platform with the above mentioned advantages. Founded by PT.HAFIZC KOIN ASIA โ€“ a company that has so much experience in cryptocurrency trading, INMAX offers a simpler but more advanced platform design and high quality customer support. These made INMAX a dependable, faster, easier, and safer trading platform.We translate the missions into every aspect of our business strategies. We know that every customer wants to be treated with care. Therefore, we attempt to provide the users with a responsive and caring trading platform, where every trader can learn and share each other. This allows us to create a system, where everyone contributes to the companyโ€™s success.

Cold Wallet

INMAX offers cold wallet to help secure your money. Our cold wallet is equipped with multi-sig technology, which is designed to improve storage security. With INMAX trading platform, you benefit from hacker-proof digital wallet.

High Liquidity

INMAX is supported by sophisticated technology for generating and maintaining any kinds of digital wallet in a safe way. Our team members do their best to generate secured digital wallet that protects your money from any efforts of hacking or stealing.

Safe & Secure

INMAX uses 100% offline wallet; therefore, it is very powerful to overcome DDOS attacks. We know that every user looks for a powerful and secured trading platform. Therefore, we make saving your funds and personal information the first priorities in our services.


The ICO Crypto Team combines a passion for esports, industry expertise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing.

INX coin price dynamic

Any Swap Check Chart on DexScreener

INMAX INX holders addresses dynamic

INX holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x3c02290922a3618a4646e3bbca65853ea45fe7c6 3,255,436.89767077 50.08364457955%
2 0x09334a63052f4bc5bfc27f28c1542b16f8b7babe 973,388.888888 14.9752136752%
3 0xc1a012e58ad5a229e4a7051e07bc5bdf2ecb91a2 313,421.45363786 4.8218685175055%
4 0xa4da5477990082d88a31d3d9a0a37f5ffeac7cf0 285,330.6478517 4.3897022746415%
5 0xd756ace5cad56afd76790c7ab6c0b7b361cf683a 218,359.261 3.3593732461538%
6 0x30ce6f10a617fb8c66b93817adce1379853a7b13 202,121.0140752 3.1095540626954%
7 0xadcd28f46855aa548fb65fc5c613d7a52639f190 105,044.27800307 1.6160658154318%
8 0xcc57c336dc77be4e4959970c61abd9c4af217944 54,057.46301576 0.83165327716554%
9 0x10d5ec1560da26b076f4e90282e7542e5e3ca4f6 48,024 0.73883076923077%
10 0xfc749c490646a2908490113d3a054d929614dd42 44,053.12086476 0.67774032099631%
INMAX on Etherscan Check INMAX holders on Etherscan

INMAX INX daily transactions dynamic

INMAX on Etherscan Check INMAX transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support INX ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy INMAX (INX) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy INX coin on mobile?

How to buy INX coin on mobile

How to buy INX coin on PC?

How to buy INX coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
INX 0xc6006de26f9349409219e88f75fad07f3b39ebb4 BSC 1 year
INX 0xfd37f68d664b048f9992d69b7945bf7be21d2bb8 BSC 1 year
INX 0x8299b0d87ea42ae39f61f112dbfdedc7b340354e ETH 1 year
INX 0x326073eac1150442fcd220f6a2a1a32d1014da38 Polygon 1 year
INX 0xfb2a975dda847b4b86547faf6aab0c42b1b1c3f1 Polygon 1 year
INX 0x75b026cc75cd2ce3def282f083b5f249e8a85de2 BSC 1 year
INX 0xf8b71825df3d3bd31804765a753e346edb912db5 ETH 1 year
INX 0x7431d0ec3801ba6be55aa1adae95d4b07f5d1e21 BSC 1 year
INX 0x2bcd586d194dc54cb928c53bce24e07f713adec0 ETH 1 year
Inx 0x32ade9f97b009436ac874ed4acb0b532973908f4 BSC 1 year
INX 0xe3814611a40e751d4bdebbee16480af48e43a4b7 BSC 2 years
INX 0x1F5d9fFAFa57604Ae2A43cebAdEcC175DF2F069e BSC 2 years
INX 0x7c54b7B01CFA0821736f5F37131d8aC2279e9145 BSC 2 years
Inx 0x5fa869266ce022060d4271efff62191b7ec508b5 BSC 2 years
INX 0xa639d7e810916eba23f88fb9e74cc898d2a27fda BSC 3 years
INX 0xc0e95c5a63a17577a5d6ff98a73559e52d1480c2 BSC 3 years
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INX 0x84fE25f3921f3426395c883707950d0c00367576 ETH 4 years
INX 0xBBC7f7A6AADAc103769C66CBC69AB720f7F9Eae3 ETH 4 years

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Recent conversions

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