INMAX (INX) coin on ETH
INMAX INX is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 Increase INMAX reach!
Total supply: | 6,500,000 INX |
24h Trade Volume: | $0 |
Liquidity: | $0 |
Holders: | 3,442 addresses |
24h Transactions: | - |
INX market: | Uniswap DEX.Guru Para Swap Mdex Any Swap Sushi Swap Arken.Finance |
Wallets: | Show supported wallets |
ERC-20 Token EthereumINMAX (INX) profile
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Check contract: | 0x018d7d179350f1bb9853d04982820e37cce13a92 |
Listed: | 2018-10-13 00:30:10 |
Decimals: | 8 |
Official site: | |
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BitQuery Check: | Check INX |
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What is Inmax?
INMAX is A dependable digital asset exchange and financial system INMAX comes as a novel cryptocurrency trading platform with the above mentioned advantages. Founded by PT.HAFIZC KOIN ASIA โ a company that has so much experience in cryptocurrency trading, INMAX offers a simpler but more advanced platform design and high quality customer support. These made INMAX a dependable, faster, easier, and safer trading platform.We translate the missions into every aspect of our business strategies. We know that every customer wants to be treated with care. Therefore, we attempt to provide the users with a responsive and caring trading platform, where every trader can learn and share each other. This allows us to create a system, where everyone contributes to the companyโs success.
Cold Wallet
INMAX offers cold wallet to help secure your money. Our cold wallet is equipped with multi-sig technology, which is designed to improve storage security. With INMAX trading platform, you benefit from hacker-proof digital wallet.
High Liquidity
INMAX is supported by sophisticated technology for generating and maintaining any kinds of digital wallet in a safe way. Our team members do their best to generate secured digital wallet that protects your money from any efforts of hacking or stealing.
Safe & Secure
INMAX uses 100% offline wallet; therefore, it is very powerful to overcome DDOS attacks. We know that every user looks for a powerful and secured trading platform. Therefore, we make saving your funds and personal information the first priorities in our services.
The ICO Crypto Team combines a passion for esports, industry expertise & proven record in finance, development, marketing & licensing.
INX coin price dynamic
Check Chart on DexScreenerINMAX INX holders addresses dynamic
INX holders snapshot
Rank | Address | Quantity | Percentage |
1 | 0x3c02290922a3618a4646e3bbca65853ea45fe7c6 | 3,255,436.89767077 |
2 | 0x09334a63052f4bc5bfc27f28c1542b16f8b7babe | 973,388.888888 |
3 | 0xc1a012e58ad5a229e4a7051e07bc5bdf2ecb91a2 | 313,421.45363786 |
4 | 0xa4da5477990082d88a31d3d9a0a37f5ffeac7cf0 | 285,330.6478517 |
5 | 0xd756ace5cad56afd76790c7ab6c0b7b361cf683a | 218,359.261 |
6 | 0x30ce6f10a617fb8c66b93817adce1379853a7b13 | 202,121.0140752 |
7 | 0xadcd28f46855aa548fb65fc5c613d7a52639f190 | 105,044.27800307 |
8 | 0xcc57c336dc77be4e4959970c61abd9c4af217944 | 54,057.46301576 |
9 | 0x10d5ec1560da26b076f4e90282e7542e5e3ca4f6 | 48,024 |
10 | 0xfc749c490646a2908490113d3a054d929614dd42 | 44,053.12086476 |
INMAX INX daily transactions dynamic
Check INMAX transactions on EtherscanWallets that support INX ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum
Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy INMAX (INX) contact address and add in your wallet.
MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Metamask Zelcore Trust Wallet Math walletHow to buy INX coin on mobile?
How to buy INX coin on PC?
Coins with similar name
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INX | 0x8299b0d87ea42ae39f61f112dbfdedc7b340354e | ETH | 1 year | |
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INX | 0x2bcd586d194dc54cb928c53bce24e07f713adec0 | ETH | 1 year | |
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INX | 0x1F5d9fFAFa57604Ae2A43cebAdEcC175DF2F069e | BSC | 2 years | |
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Inx | 0x5fa869266ce022060d4271efff62191b7ec508b5 | BSC | 2 years | |
INX | 0xa639d7e810916eba23f88fb9e74cc898d2a27fda | BSC | 3 years | |
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INX | 0xF9405957cD96d1E2C7683A90A448bce32F0e3eB0 | BSC | 3 years | |
INX | 0x84fE25f3921f3426395c883707950d0c00367576 | ETH | 4 years | |
INX | 0xBBC7f7A6AADAc103769C66CBC69AB720f7F9Eae3 | ETH | 4 years |