HUSD - HUSD (Wormhole) HUSD (Wormhole) (HUSD) coin on Solana

HUSD (Wormhole) HUSD is a crypto coin (token) that running on Solana Ecosystem ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase HUSD (Wormhole) reach!

HUSD Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 13,332,732 HUSD
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 31 addresses
24h Transactions: -
HUSD market: Raydium Swap Bonfida Orca Atrix 1Sol Spin Dexlab Mango.Markets
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ERC-20 Token Solana Ecosystem

HUSD (Wormhole) (HUSD) profile

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Check contract: 7VQo3HFLNH5QqGtM8eC3XQbPkJUu7nS9LeGWjerRh5Sw
Listed: 2022-01-16 10:41:27
Decimals: 8
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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HUSD (Wormhole) HUSD holders addresses dynamic

HUSD holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 3NrioUjBs1TNdNJxwK3YNkkNfp61wjCFhWUaBLLR6Yfc 710131387494919 5326225703.4569%
2 E7L8CZxreEeNwM1V8DLxa8AZQKu6oday6RvXxRo27CHi 359662387258527 2697589608.5099%
3 FzcfTvvXn6PsSdGfuircNtbkz1As2wsX6WCYYqAKB6Rk 263469687536113 1976111810.5016%
4 BzThAY49JJXUPaQk2PS2K1xQP8C7k7bRWjZTYrkZYtbb 8900000000 66753.011619424%
5 5TueaK1M5zGbavrWrcq46QhwBUwgnFYigewqUQrDJSsA 343643846 2577.4451286496%
6 2dMK1qA1gHJVU4voKGAC7Nxn32ou1y3DZmvsPapNrTH6 96073086 720.58065461482%
7 Ah8vyK7WuvN6He4e4SZuN3g1e3XcWG68iCAS8NwCizLL 82717217 620.40711769971%
8 4gerNKmSRBGG7bNGXvWKXV3wehWBxV12afW3p7cNGdXt 57596930 431.99646489137%
9 93xWCg3qNRmKUHu9wXsZmjEc79FwCkc8cYyovX51gTpS 50572710 379.31243800627%
10 AJLJLvrEp2yVgFMxWdKLgUN1gEgQxqMtbGermtRDWpmq 50000000 375.01691921025%
HUSD (Wormhole) on Solscan Check HUSD (Wormhole) holders on Solscan

HUSD (Wormhole) HUSD daily transactions dynamic

HUSD (Wormhole) on Solscan Check HUSD (Wormhole) transactions on Solscan

Wallets that support HUSD ERC-20 tokens on Solana Ecosystem

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy HUSD (Wormhole) (HUSD) contact address and add in your wallet.

Coin98 Coin98 Solflare Solflare Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Zelcore Zelcore Mathwallet Math Wallet

How to buy & swap HUSD coin?

How to buy HUSD coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
HUSD 0xc4f58cdce4768d78f36cb3bd9652fcbace94ccd6 Polygon 1 year
HUSD 0x276a7645244cec80cb486e944331f057107458a7 ETH 1 year
HUSD 0x6684d41a9a55fe0257dc45345e11ad4bf2e836c3 BSC 1 year
HUSD 0xc513fcf5ae848dbec5737d5abbf2c872d1fd49df BSC 1 year
HUSD 0x81b76bd4c70bd85ac6b46581049ae1b16bc73419 BSC 1 year
HUSD 0x7c5bef849b6201dd577548f85acbbdc222d2af8e BSC 2 years
HUSD 0x9719c98754b5e21526e349007e32a32e02e7b7fe BSC 2 years
HUSD 0xb00e12aeb7835211b425ca5ca85e924c74b77fcb BSC 2 years
HUSD 0x258d41816747143efdd25b510b11c39ca28edfb0 BSC 2 years
HUSD 0xe7d63ecf097ef0d2bd3d4d373c3c0a6c28058c01 Fantom 2 years
hUSD 0x5c6fc0aaf35a55e7a43fff45575380bcedb5cbc2 AVAX 2 years
HUSD 0x5be74140c85c0545edb1165447c5feaf9e144ef1 BSC 2 years
HUSD 0x978f93beb2c5ed7a27e74c9c4bceae5f72cd9ee8 BSC 2 years
HUSD 0xce014656841bc6b44f80488b476b17fc79c9f5bb Fantom 2 years
HUSD 0xdf574c24545e5ffecb9a659c229253d4111d87e1 ETH 5 years

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