GRIN - Grin Grin (GRIN) coin on BSC

Grin GRIN is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Grin reach!

GRIN Price
$3.380002458097 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,000,000,000,000,000 GRIN
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 7 addresses
24h Transactions: -
GRIN market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Grin (GRIN) profile

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Check contract: 0x0d212ebe3727ee93efe880b1ee05756e98f8fa1a
Listed: 2022-01-12 07:41:18
Decimals: 12
Official site: -
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Grin GRIN holders addresses dynamic

GRIN holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x31aed4970549ae183aa62a3b255b9cf6fdeb8f0f 79,514,534,499,429,000.56639377704 79.514534499429%
2 Null Address: 0x000...dEaD 20,000,000,000,000,000 20%
3 0x5e3773713f0a20806168d633652b905ee7253f83 159,282,231,947,265.205914201168 0.15928223194727%
4 0x6f75810d4e90d9eac81640e29103cd0ba774d1ea 158,648,431,463,568.25075244515 0.15864843146357%
5 0xf151d801333f9c38aba628bc9144f9225b2c4f04 158,018,407,970,710.974959070413 0.15801840797071%
6 0x090edcc73ff960bb926b370c66d50008e5dd5daf 9,322,615,950,116.005884054523 0.009322615950116%
7 PancakeSwap V2: GRIN 193,813,239,311.996096451706 0.000193813239312%
Grin on BSCscan Check Grin holders on BSCscan

Grin GRIN daily transactions dynamic

Grin on BSCscan Check Grin transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support GRIN BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Grin (GRIN) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy GRIN coin on mobile?

How to buy GRIN coin on mobile

How to buy GRIN coin on PC?

How to buy GRIN coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
GRIN 0x7d2c0f71a8be59f47fce75c7d9fa7652d73cf7fc BSC 1 year
GRIN 0x85ba0a2addf3621da87c3ce7de9847463bd7e6eb BSC 1 year
GRIN 0xb4ac78091855ec87b0be56730938a17628bbbc92 BSC 1 year
GRIN 0xaf795c1646cdd3a1cee36908d16be7272186a19c ETH 1 year
GRIN 0xaf795c1646cdd3a1cee36908d16be7272186a19c BSC 1 year
GRIN 0x287e24a21d64c52ca9f24ff6dd1254fb9b828504 ETH 1 year
GRIN 0x5cd3cc64291a05972488b094fbbc4c22e7b1ad1f BSC 2 years
GRIN 0x0d20389869469c738cb5b48f5d3d32cd2ad62a4f ETH 2 years
GRIN 0x36d9435a95c718b0ecb14833e47fb2787d511b96 BSC 2 years
GRIN 0x01f4c263bd7a36402d969140a9b5873c81500a60 ETH 2 years
GRIN 0xcf0fd4b55bd2db12ebf6882bdaaca6a71bbf9467 ETH 2 years

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