GVT - GiversToken GiversToken (GVT) coin on BSC

GiversToken GVT is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase GiversToken reach!

GVT Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 100,000,000,000 GVT
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 76 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

GiversToken (GVT) profile

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Check contract: 0xb008ee159f9d46361f26d1c521c7e3ec16a92326
Listed: 2022-01-11 21:10:47
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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GiversToken GVT holders addresses dynamic

GVT holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 Null Address: 0x000...dEaD 49,781,763,717.583311199760306865 49.781763717583%
2 0xb9021e2f0b8dcd7c4414d2939e1aa0212b1382d9 16,983,000,001 16.983000001%
3 0x743acb263e2976845009ae5766b1694a7a8df022 3,692,931,577.409197600264019742 3.6929315774092%
4 0x8be0fa1c306bc74036da7a27680c025b099aa2c3 2,500,000,000 2.5%
5 0xd226addcc2bab4aa3db0bc6ba6bb093e6d3c1b2b 2,334,190,869.942764768940608959 2.3341908699428%
6 0x30515966a942f482aa2f89cc13f56bd92389f98c 1,992,000,000 1.992%
7 0x0c4c4041c19a3b70af4aa9dedc6a038403cea7a9 1,871,230,616.283762229192097123 1.8712306162838%
8 0x3ede012380426b2ce8663555cdb59fa30f953554 1,799,641,493.427888214777078887 1.7996414934279%
9 0xb7dae8e125d7800c7cb7f507979dc05fcf7aa342 1,593,890,631.975198857507418123 1.5938906319752%
10 0xe77458414df7415362b05468270f9d48dc98ccef 1,520,565,043.539737941056554283 1.5205650435397%
GiversToken on BSCscan Check GiversToken holders on BSCscan

GiversToken GVT daily transactions dynamic

GiversToken on BSCscan Check GiversToken transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support GVT BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy GiversToken (GVT) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy GVT coin on mobile?

How to buy GVT coin on mobile

How to buy GVT coin on PC?

How to buy GVT coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
GVT 0x05082704bba7b92b92f612d9f97746aebb2b171a BSC 1 year
GVT 0x668aeed41f0b01c8e34db9069a39ef7827fab47c BSC 1 year
GVT 0x95768643e0f1c5c13da61c53147412cbfceffdf9 Polygon 1 year
GVT 0x0c55dee094445fefb7742625b7b7cab2976ed5da BSC 1 year
GVT 0x6f615679c464d098eb0364ccabf67afa58a1b78d BSC 1 year
GVT 0xa15bd0fba0a56c9373f7074fcceaec0797bcf400 BSC 1 year
GVT 0xc29B293Fd4a3cfA28dceFb13D1F863669480e94d BSC 1 year
GVT 0x2776a351d9893eab3d5012b7c66c27e936460265 BSC 1 year
GVT 0x92bfe016a6352fe236e68cb09619c1b38ef96314 BSC 1 year
GVT 0xe91dc68a2e5f474843de05a8a0d536a10d7cf177 BSC 1 year
GVT 0x5ec192fd7f71332617aac094c61a6a6ff16817d3 ETH 1 year
GVT 0x0b8ae79a15c61975fa6309d515cc97b8e01ba777 ETH 1 year
GVT 0x759cec81f146abbd965e84ae42c992e9dc30e756 BSC 1 year
GVT 0x759cec81f146abbd965e84ae42c992e9dc30e756 Polygon 2 years
GVT 0xf2222f0b9413300de4bbfbfd47de3127ddabbc1f BSC 2 years
GVT 0x74702d4dea6ffa74fb87fdf2ecfa06aaed61deae BSC 2 years
GVT 0xbdac00b166e4daa9e38656c8702289eb073ac217 BSC 2 years
GVT 0xB2e73c1f2d6067de6Fa88648d2Ec0CA89453b3Df BSC 2 years
GVT 0x96DC52629CaE3F96e67FF10ac468E184499dd2B5 BSC 2 years
GVT 0xc90b4e9b131856d0bc514c84106a50b97ab82981 ETH 2 years
GVT 0xc0849fea0645c35d30ec3435c28c988aa89d5278 BSC 2 years
GVT 0x21f5918f06779fcf8947f04c361476ee0d8713e5 BSC 3 years
GVT 0x103c3a209da59d3e7c4a89307e66521e081cfdf0 ETH 7 years

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