SANTA - Floki Santa Floki Santa (SANTA) coin on ETH

Floki Santa SANTA is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Floki Santa reach!

$1.290646315 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000 SANTA
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 36 addresses
24h Transactions: -
SANTA market: Uniswap Uniswap DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Mdex Mdex Any Swap Any Swap Any Swap Sushi Swap Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

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Check contract: 0x61c13e161c9b9bcf4dfe20917313da62585f46e0
Listed: 2021-12-25 02:10:19
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
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SANTA coin price dynamic

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Floki Santa SANTA holders addresses dynamic

SANTA holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xa1fe3ec398ecf9d8118dd2880356d25e0275c319 763,681,981,024.210516566 76.368198102421%
2 0xc0e727fc111edbf5b2490af712532cc1c1aa806a 41,147,621,768.717665841 4.1147621768718%
3 0x8772aaae218e4393d2ee40a53660f77a6536171b 21,056,993,408.81595013 2.1056993408816%
4 0x131102d2174860e269f8e6ff4adc2cc0bc1d776e 14,325,043,461.930164688 1.432504346193%
5 0xcbbe17de5e61e746dcd43e8d4a072505d0747fea 12,014,643,691.205259523 1.2014643691205%
6 0x58e6e3bd8f8de62a229b206d70ccae9277fdb2ed 11,415,596,159.014045818 1.1415596159014%
7 Uniswap V2: SANTA 13 9,183,285,005.101154931 0.91832850051012%
8 0xd9143f29198cce907201aab9e396603e64069548 7,931,645,132.220763505 0.79316451322208%
9 0x427295a7c7c78a4a3800c91bc72e1a442f5f5a38 6,183,209,758.563674111 0.61832097585637%
10 0x2cc6f0771571c14629a03088eb998af75bf3082d 3,743,960,101.906960184 0.3743960101907%
Floki Santa on Etherscan Check Floki Santa holders on Etherscan

Floki Santa SANTA daily transactions dynamic

Floki Santa on Etherscan Check Floki Santa transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support SANTA ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Floki Santa (SANTA) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy SANTA coin on mobile?

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How to buy SANTA coin on PC?

How to buy SANTA coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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Santa 0x5971f38458f13072ae2848f846be33d29a32b368 BSC 2 years
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SANTA 0x60ed5e8935cd85d72997fab7b50d2f9821b4190a ETH 2 years
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SANTA 0x144b88cafa12bee0491e3bbeb956b6adc89df0a7 ETH 2 years
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SANTA 0x963A000eFf1b6a1e07bc3d0482C629684F15E011 BSC 2 years
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SANTA 0xe4304b22f0af3a01be4dd553c62ae55f5ff7391a ETH 2 years
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SANTA 0xff72df2d09871e4d7ff1d114d1a7f736655ea769 ETH 2 years
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SANTA 0x0c4b36cc908b061060eb75de3febd124b41cdb1f ETH 2 years
SANTA 0xd7aaeb7c40f9f12a9e5ca4edb6b1bb2b27710a60 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x180715a9c236e0bb26efd152b2a59c21b3698f83 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x848e10a8e1c67dae2ff04ab5345f16707b192883 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x73a5da48cb7084f4e1cb7fa81cae5c8bd4acf257 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x98da23e096a407a41be7b49ed3a8b9828d009fb1 BSC 2 years
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SANTA 0x905734d993b59932118ce991949ec811ea7f7002 BSC 2 years
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Santa 0x7bb1ac9315e20ea4b0fedec89462bef2e2111679 ETH 2 years
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SANTA 0x041C2A4DE2e6bC426aA858cdA4674Af23CeeF969 BSC 2 years
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SANTA 0x61f7489920a44dc465a7208329ca34bfa62fd771 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x401466e038bc255988a9602205a9b9e181793277 BSC 2 years
Santa 0xBa365337E6512139AA9283A4473612a21D23d356 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x0eae8894e6868bd8c6bb4f9169ff287569eceab6 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xb1c11fcDDB16999D9090126662bdc6E0513B4bbC BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xd7ff6ee8228f2e44487ac659541af29d4aac9496 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0xe44ed2db823aa7c73b229fc0f3c7d4d6027ab3ad ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x9131fe44774b0ba441464b1cbfe6d8997f9eac81 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x912a838cf88e727b2c4e849d7e5a8fe49a79310b BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xb8c10ead5e4adbb5cc021f113bd6903a38d74338 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x83fd4c598cf81b5618644b5080258cc1a7c33456 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x8284396cc7c524608edad48fae09b90939cfe8eb ETH 2 years
SANTA 0xa32c26e6ad949a3f083a4682e65332bfc845b832 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xe7fb5e6dfb4777990002a33b13eb566fad9c40c3 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x0158e0948c106e4fc99975550d7e8503aafab6e7 BSC 2 years
Santa 0xee14aa7d9aa7a8bda9313c594c9872cd22909426 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xa99adfc011c3e307e0d1d5e55e16cfc87ac23a62 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x2d178f092c291e353c41b3f1c7446e1e5fdc5f3f BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xc1aa25fcfe7343a33480ac473a3cfdd8b6a11336 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x60ddbb2a55da963f68551dbc6250633afd8b8d90 BSC 2 years
Santa 0x6fe70aacc6adafe9c5c38816baa129cdfe27b7a8 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xd1b529d62dc147f41185384c2e646434b62c3dc0 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0xb1733309f702ae284fb0d37fa92fa3c1abc9ba2e BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xb876d7180e7c4f894d8caf1c5f3428ab063c07e2 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0xeee257efe0fc128e8ade9bc9f32138c69565cd23 ETH 2 years
Santa 0xcb4fbb6fd116e26541456b3e95f68592438cdb5d BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x0378ae537fedc4c6b1b1a9053c7ade5a78770857 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x1e9eb74cde6a275ab5150a04db1ad73c2c4aa2a5 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x4649196565bf6ca38c58d55668ad8a7e9ac32f9b BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xb9bdb9cbd4e20009b5900e7038d4ad7135cedc7e BSC 2 years
Santa 0x6f7bcb09cc5890c3de7ee25fa16674b58fa8a863 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x3f21cc63a5f8e9ccb9ac203e9cb689d5a2573112 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xae480cec9521240720a20cd32edc6418108bed31 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x6fc04e0f7ab656ebe1ec93cbf1373758b187ee75 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x1Ce80Fe6A36d9e3e342182ab972e5e100683A7A4 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0xdcf462f70fb57d020e2a0687962d725d2bf01d48 AVAX 2 years
SANTA 0x7812Ff6FDc672fd04D11E07bC555F38428ACFe10 AVAX 2 years
SANTA 0x8d4fb27ffc468b6cf71e0900f8074860ce17659e BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x224ec56da83a13a803f171e5a366f5ea4f09680b BSC 2 years
Santa 0x2fe0fef403d9c558438690a005a9999a59a98614 BSC 2 years
SANTA CphTaGMUnqyVk2ZwbashhXnimo6oMTRNk9Dv6NNCaxph Solana 2 years
SANTA EctmRn2jMAdTDvQdG7mxadyiTvhGZiGYNrt9PWe6zioG Solana 2 years
SANTA 0xbad8571d81ee4c459ca98494cd4a07367e10072f BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x8Dffee4bbEA738cDBc7d837B3383794F431A7F21 BSC 2 years
Santa 0xBC2418646Ec0Fe386D369528EA6dDDa298b8e8E6 BSC 2 years
SANTA 0x82a6f6f6c1a120d5f8cdb572f60db6b11bd382a7 ETH 2 years
SANTA 0x29F307F0Bd545f3Ca702f5444B6b2537E6Aa5d60 BSC 2 years
santa 0x89FF83BfB08500BAb07Cb4e160f9Ee875431FEAF BSC 2 years
Santa 0x88786b77115fec730ebf832470408d703048c688 ETH 3 years
SANTA 0x36b9c40bb1bdc27373bc381bec5cd62a98382ae2 BSC 3 years
SANTA 0xCfb0c2E7E0e23fE8405C7Cf33850a9f07d1209e5 BSC 3 years
SANTA 0xbc7ae89919c8f171edc7586a4f59ee59f6ba41f5 BSC 3 years
SANTA 0x5Da19141077f8f775CfBB3aE12D50078a2EAC4d3 BSC 3 years
SANTA 0xe75b651e536c9720fec38ea8dc047c17d254a622 BSC 3 years
Santa 0xfd5a7cf440c0f67fdea9953811b47c72114d002e BSC 3 years
SANTA 0x720d20F7aAE0A4B16f80e5EBF2FAA16dfED07096 Fantom 3 years
SANTA 0x41c068d513ba0f38d5af3822ba944662f77ccd35 Fantom 3 years
SANTA 0x9bA9728B1Fb85E43B34d3f25aB99C51f25Bfe581 BSC 3 years
Santa 0x4f1a6fc6a7b65dc7ebc4eb692dc3641be997c2f2 BSC 3 years
SANTA 0x8c168ef06b8baf8ad2236eef2286f7870ad50f9b ETH 4 years
SANTA 0xfb401181f47eb7d88471171f8e95d1eaf4d7b0a3 ETH 6 years
SANTA 0x24fb29c8c6745feb795dbc8d29c95a3120abbbb8 ETH 7 years

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