FTK - FindToken FindToken (FTK) coin on BSC

FindToken FTK is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase FindToken reach!

FTK Price
$2.441900176 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 FTK
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $1,004
Holders: 342 addresses
24h Transactions: -
FTK market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

FindToken (FTK) profile

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Check contract: 0x41fb7f7703c7fcbfef42fbed0ef6963684616c5e
Listed: 2022-01-12 00:40:26
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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FindToken FTK holders addresses dynamic

FTK holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 PancakeSwap V2: FTK 3 478,123,811,339,745.397920064 47.812381133975%
2 Null Address: 0x000...dEaD 384,838,191,524,857.898152621 38.483819152486%
3 0xeb7caf8f669ea01828734a768afc3ba0d6065c48 13,801,590,116,958.904577115 1.3801590116959%
4 0x29a481c872db9af5e6db3d4c5ec198b800df6177 13,600,675,511,488.914616366 1.3600675511489%
5 0x78b1b165ff9249bf16b203277452b9b9ed0e4d59 10,124,387,265,738.395872444 1.0124387265738%
6 0xf94744b3a16282871307a791b9a0d04fdab7dca7 5,825,750,332,409.458373071 0.58257503324095%
7 0x79c336c839056bdef8194bcf5e3e3039f3f5457e 4,324,215,448,309.935292941 0.43242154483099%
8 0xf9ff9b272d0898967237997c0ea464eb44418239 4,260,581,910,739.308747001 0.42605819107393%
9 0xcf3dbd49a84869415af28c4bae594d16f91b2cd1 2,860,112,515,108.558973142 0.28601125151086%
10 0x7cd0b25bd70cf8df85ae0518d2e3fa7d924cf130 2,243,604,197,555.896811017 0.22436041975559%
FindToken on BSCscan Check FindToken holders on BSCscan

FindToken FTK daily transactions dynamic

FindToken on BSCscan Check FindToken transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support FTK BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy FindToken (FTK) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy FTK coin on mobile?

How to buy FTK coin on mobile

How to buy FTK coin on PC?

How to buy FTK coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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FTK 0x68a39b91af927e0077adb797411917344cc93678 BSC 1 year
FTK 0x16b8acdf5b694fe8fbf62e02f9a0edce2a39b7df BSC 1 year
FTK 0x0e01bee5aa9a64fcbb3d977bdaa4ed15253b4e12 BSC 1 year
FTK 0xa1370245808bf1fa8275bc10db5566e9fb084fca BSC 1 year
FTK 0x81bbb9855c95c9a61a9295770081f6ee5b8190dc BSC 1 year
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FTK 0x0e3bdfc80deb32e0b2ecae5e7c0512df2e601641 BSC 1 year
FTK 0x5af7bae494d5d5a152916d0bc3113c89d88fd198 BSC 1 year
FTK 0x6d4c01be9b51c85b2a1d15063789a93718c99f57 BSC 1 year
FTK 0xfc38abefa3fe02f77eb5a71a4cd1c54b22b46492 BSC 1 year
FTK 0x827cb610998744c4c2fadc1898af992a39f7884b ETH 1 year
FTK 0x87fdb31a27ba7efdc55b5708ba3e113829fc2de2 BSC 1 year
FTK 0x90b5fdccf0d29788d8237368ca2cebb384210ba0 BSC 2 years
FTK 0x8a5b69b93393beb1efdc87a74979e9c11c7d0ce3 ETH 2 years
FTK 0x92dc52476eb8de839c8601a3d7fef7e3c7ff7e76 BSC 2 years
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FTK 0xf4059657b16f9bf362d36ebd405552e92b787c3b BSC 2 years
FTK 0xd669d6d45ca13239e0a24cd649c3efcb2e0e77c1 BSC 2 years
FTK 0x42d21fb347173bd3de32f753f49a08dcf59d8f89 BSC 2 years
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FTK 0x324c63c18fc1d9d3a669c12d806f670f14820095 BSC 2 years
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FTK 0x80aace20dfcecacc061a1f9dd174a3171a7b1758 ETH 2 years
FTK 0x4354F244b834A8103d3E487F69c59db95dD90A38 BSC 2 years
FTK 0x4517b980a1F75042Ef5Dc1a4643D4845562b626d BSC 2 years
FTK 0xc8D634cFD28A4C3102c6Be8635a15Ecf1fC05B2a BSC 2 years
FTK 0x3bec9518e35fd2afa7a773b6f07b533e473b9049 BSC 2 years
FTK 0x3568792aa59ed5b1108bf2f4df4156bf35a94171 ETH 7 years

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