Eternal Kishu ($EKISHU) coin on BSC
Eternal Kishu $EKISHU is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 Increase Eternal Kishu reach!
$2.425326747 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
$ โ
Total supply: | 1,000,000,000,000,000 $EKISHU |
24h Trade Volume: | $0 |
Liquidity: | $15,706 |
Holders: | 899 addresses |
24h Transactions: | - |
$EKISHU market: | Pancake Swap Mdex BSC Swap Any Swap BSC Station DEX.Guru Para Swap Poocoin Arken.Finance |
Wallets: | Show supported wallets |
BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)Eternal Kishu ($EKISHU) profile
Request updateShare: | Copy URL Shill |
Check contract: | 0x84845d84269f920d6ce23aee48fd38063f7ba0c8 |
Listed: | 2021-10-09 02:00:20 |
Decimals: | 9 |
Official site: | - |
Social profiles: | - |
Check social sentiment: | $EKISHU in Twitter $EKISHU in Reddit $EKISHU on Youtube |
Scam check: | Check $EKISHU clones Check on StaySAFU Check on BSCheck Report Scam |
BitQuery Check: | Check $EKISHU |
DeBank Profile: | Check $EKISHU Profile |
Eternal Kishu $EKISHU holders addresses dynamic
$EKISHU holders snapshot
Rank | Address | Quantity | Percentage |
1 | PancakeSwap V2: $EKISHU 3 | 589,115,407,231,384.890478226 |
2 | Null Address: 0x000...dEaD | 234,612,670,120,132.922255514 |
3 | PinkSale: PinkLock | 75,000,000,000,000 |
4 | 0xa09999b9528e481837cf80177b00fd5c10aa101c | 11,956,446,139,232.179509633 |
5 | 0x317609e39c55e1f1192baee140d9927444509feb | 9,485,411,438,817.521462071 |
6 | 0x4ab529fb168ce4b0403d3ee33d50e5645e9667df | 7,373,392,267,250.919066288 |
7 | 0x36a4b6ccf0b766c2bea11e5d96a0d9f047bb0ca3 | 6,003,297,601,096.266429461 |
8 | 0x751a582510c30bc8d5360203c9f31fb2e65bda11 | 5,455,359,571,953.484021918 |
9 | 0x272035d8950a4ed4e26fb8c2731dc98d46b8c0cf | 3,827,523,542,525.289637998 |
10 | 0xfde1d7d69fa11081d022f744f5910e7ede104f88 | 3,745,599,585,777.797750102 |
Eternal Kishu $EKISHU daily transactions dynamic
Check Eternal Kishu transactions on BSCscanWallets that support $EKISHU BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy Eternal Kishu ($EKISHU) contact address and add in your wallet.
Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Zelcore Trust Wallet Math wallet This is not a financial advice and please be careful in using this information! Other terms please see here.
How to buy $EKISHU coin on mobile?
How to buy $EKISHU coin on PC?
Coins with similar name
Name | Ticker | Contract | Network | Age |
$EKISHU | 0xCBcceC9Bd65449868eC09BaCA3E3025F380FBf91 | BSC | 3 years |