EBNB EBNB is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase EBNB reach!

EBNB Price
$1.353103042 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 EBNB
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 105 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

EBNB (EBNB) profile

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Check contract: 0x9565d0ab07eb6d3bcc9818526dbe9ab721bcbeb3
Listed: 2021-10-12 08:18:49
Decimals: 9
Official site: -
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EBNB EBNB holders addresses dynamic

EBNB holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 PancakeSwap V2: EBNB 37 999,310,486,248,993.4704342 99.931048624899%
2 0x08137885f097675c7a79e976544734e1325faaae 292,234,431,223.037437842 0.029223443122304%
3 0xcfa8d4d88809f34231294a22e0d6d840341fba53 150,963,933,468.24150061 0.015096393346824%
4 0x107f0ad205123af6f15b78c62c6ebbaa5b6d7fa7 111,846,341,556.980269037 0.011184634155698%
5 0xd38ad6745fbc6237b4643948da8673b6a5e06131 92,884,864,059.755483722 0.0092884864059755%
6 0x635ddf8111576859bf7708df62088d635a305c0a 21,638,133,331.124892341 0.0021638133331125%
7 0x2be87ad70cf11ea294d7c42044b5b8277a3e4874 19,946,020,768.856613105 0.0019946020768857%
8 0x41840ccc32d19cfb545b4dd37c9a15d22693efe8 915.025458744 9.15025458744E-11%
9 0x40796135ffb845696563cf6d735d0d19649f8b95 585.885656522 5.85885656522E-11%
10 0x4566fe94045c972630feb566b5e69eed0edd2f9b 585.123625309 5.85123625309E-11%
EBNB on BSCscan Check EBNB holders on BSCscan

EBNB EBNB daily transactions dynamic

EBNB on BSCscan Check EBNB transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support EBNB BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy EBNB (EBNB) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy EBNB coin on mobile?

How to buy EBNB coin on mobile

How to buy EBNB coin on PC?

How to buy EBNB coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
EBNB 0x1c25e46317645b467ef9bc5d757fe7046e27c6cc BSC 1 year
EBNB 0xdac9c2ceef2ebadcaffc1c508090ae7bfed6ccfe BSC 1 year
EBNB 0x89e5167546b75dc7dcb7bf1266384635c55b8783 BSC 1 year
EBNB 0x8095443e7d3908790c1b6897e88d92e68e03fa25 BSC 1 year
EBNB 0x2a03cf43a13b6c77f915faade88da1eabf73ce25 BSC 1 year
eBNB 0x0350da1db7a715c023b48ee0f6a399763f86216c BSC 1 year
eBNB 0xefcd630b147b5e8d3a5cc6d7197fe38d502bc362 BSC 1 year
eBNB 0x6b92800f684c90f3da80eab5bda7cc983e03098b BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x5b8b0cd2f5bf4543cb4ec790e04f5cd7ff7ecd92 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x987269c428aa7f347f7d41a2ef285472c4076af7 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0xdd5845b0d549e8617c43540381c1effb59fea737 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0xc831dA3fFA9bCc5fc0E593Ea5790FDbA0b498c7c BSC 2 years
EBNB 0xfdFbCD15B0d5ecA1B82801cb3EF7A0f22525a643 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0xfb081d8884ac56de2c95a62f0c2854419d57b18d BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x8ac0f644b1851b18b4c6068503f1d0fe4a46ac06 BSC 2 years
eBNB 0x0632cf500d2d1C5E0C7FA3DE88B4510f0dfd4707 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x3eBCdfc26fdd4b6500F7c8b7E30Bd5413883e1f4 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x88D3db4cc6a0d1489AcdE04CC552Ba9470378980 BSC 2 years
Ebnb 0x988bF208C340cFF04B3fA3614138aC5c0B0FB538 BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x31627e2db7bac0cd90d307dd8deae53f4016c72a BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x3d67bcce7167a3608c08d4bc423846339d7b4abd BSC 2 years
EBNB 0x94a3a85c3d0d8e89ee4fbde5d7737717652ba55e BSC 2 years
EBNB 0xc1245646e98a468189f61ae979c074c5be6f0f2a BSC 3 years
EBNB 0xfc1fc39f702a799703025c2eb0281f4f25f98330 BSC 3 years
EBNB 0x5c773e58b246df9e1bfc667977d9df2d4257107e ETH 7 years

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