DIGIS - DIGICOIN.online DIGICOIN.online (DIGIS) coin on BSC

DIGICOIN.online DIGIS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase DIGICOIN.online reach!

$6.72715196 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 993,933,832,023,218 DIGIS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 272 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

DIGICOIN.online (DIGIS) profile

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Check contract: 0x54c17c6C5Bd42571d88fE064ab7A61D90EDa9E3E
Listed: 2021-04-28 04:09:12
Decimals: 8
Official site: -
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DIGICOIN.online DIGIS holders addresses dynamic

DIGIS holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x46da316a5f0b7ac0c279e428490ca6e1c5c59bd5 823,217,624,020,945.22385927 82.824187838061%
2 0xa41568b73e3400d4c0c1a36ac01c45aecb2fda61 91,023,407,097,255.30938281 9.1578940332448%
3 0xf7ea431c9949e2e89869b8d879136ee76277045b 7,120,015,413,367.91060782 0.71634702270619%
4 0xd513cb70efc91e40b7d0a6b4f9c32fb30ef4f211 5,115,345,573,275.45774182 0.5146565504127%
5 0x270ecddfeef72b256771b0008ea7e1aed1df1c2e 4,837,520,858,421.97631372 0.48670451719858%
6 0x7f86ca49f451db403871487fb5fb6ad33537a954 3,819,376,422,791.4318528 0.38426868064415%
7 0x14eb5b8d6db66bc05fabb53aa158f1519db3f200 3,334,239,799,102.2955906 0.33545893012971%
8 0x8b320f1b2f533946d576b34b2ac57209040907fe 3,092,933,568,442.86019475 0.31118103326325%
9 0x1a05252a50dc53872a1216a01f785b203943c5fa 2,681,470,664,951.46435853 0.26978361924688%
10 0xbbe73d5bc891b442d5bc3162f0e445a69a5df10f 2,670,454,725,945.92620906 0.26867530210839%
DIGICOIN.online on BSCscan Check DIGICOIN.online holders on BSCscan

DIGICOIN.online DIGIS daily transactions dynamic

DIGICOIN.online on BSCscan Check DIGICOIN.online transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support DIGIS BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy DIGICOIN.online (DIGIS) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy DIGIS coin on mobile?

How to buy DIGIS coin on mobile

How to buy DIGIS coin on PC?

How to buy DIGIS coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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DIGIS 0xdff17e6a5f9cf5976926a5a544fd8b87127c61a0 BSC 1 year
DIGIS 0x2999f9b5c353a87943a4055e7d75313173f610b2 BSC 1 year
DIGIS 0x947be414a1849fdef43f4a19da74239f61165553 BSC 2 years
DIGIS 0x968a41f29a4590464865ccf13397565a1ce7d8d9 BSC 2 years
DIGIS 0x9424Fbe153Ad8599ED4C945fA977d621B5d51997 BSC 2 years
DIGIS 0xE4BFd6f0984110395aD59Ee4e2270b17972Fae4A BSC 2 years
DIGIS 0xbe086afd7bc5f55a0b530091d662bad1c5e83296 Polygon 2 years

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