DFL - DeFi Land DeFi Land (DFL) coin on BSC

DeFi Land DFL is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase DeFi Land reach!

DFL Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000 DFL
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 522 addresses
24h Transactions: -
DFL market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

DeFi Land (DFL) profile

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Check contract: 0xa5f829caeb048e600ec4d1e76935ff7177aded1f
Listed: 2022-01-11 15:09:35
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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DeBank Profile: DeBank.com DFL profile Check DFL Profile

DeFi Land DFL holders addresses dynamic

DFL holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x5f9c903a5b9ca5708abf5f218ab2db3a087f6456 971,966,183,892.758207526992163731 97.196618389276%
2 0x13bbbb9af4e8538aeeef8b53f378326d2ee0c7b7 6,537,173,759.454949994211830027 0.6537173759455%
3 0x2d36e9276c108c517538c975176e77985d01c6a8 350,844,832.721060048771788922 0.035084483272106%
4 0xdf4c5a52cce7dfef734f154974076a174cecde8c 345,519,420.71317943101653052 0.034551942071318%
5 0xcdbe4bbaa5f3996863f4afce8f44011b20f59026 267,540,575.482390060798666427 0.026754057548239%
6 0x71b5d943fd5e3b37a3c5ac7a7c04e1998d8df2d1 214,303,311.766272404101631189 0.021430331176627%
7 0xe43b0cddc5894fe57082c43429be0fe86f98bc34 144,852,768.672649130088760846 0.014485276867265%
8 0x9bdcd6cd06702d8712729a67053c537d8da7dfdf 139,033,011.871783441067210089 0.013903301187178%
9 0xccfdaf8f360177e40166a445a5916c2766df2fce 100,000,000 0.01%
10 0x0b52dcec81d50d8960fd41d1e192fd7ca39b0f19 77,079,928.820895804271858551 0.0077079928820896%
DeFi Land on BSCscan Check DeFi Land holders on BSCscan

DeFi Land DFL daily transactions dynamic

DeFi Land on BSCscan Check DeFi Land transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support DFL BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Π‘opy DeFi Land (DFL) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy DFL coin on mobile?

How to buy DFL coin on mobile

How to buy DFL coin on PC?

How to buy DFL coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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DFL 0x1d6804b5c3657859b863097201f0d31514fd57cd BSC 1 year
DFL 0xe64089a78dbd46dc4e5fe22ef47ca7832f34e02c BSC 1 year
DFL 0xdc93453b938b25951c9157051a2b86b744d245c9 BSC 1 year
DFL 0xf9819658537640d9635776aaf97f395125935397 BSC 1 year
DFL 0x6f13f041f9f9c6813709b7665d136f3268b050f8 BSC 1 year
DFL 0xa9d787384fdf5aa5446ea3fc644c15981ebedec4 ETH 2 years
DFL 0x1df863f27f88fee3478f2334eaf78b7a3a58547d Polygon 2 years
DFL 0x60a37e9c484112b783e96b3425090f7077c90b5e ETH 2 years
DFL 0x9f69eacda24df7c8316ac559533cc261a3b118ce BSC 2 years
DFL 0x6c5a92ed8446e4d40333d719f3c04212a0141f5e BSC 2 years
DFL 0x599b01ab6d02f457e4e5771a29cabb87325e753f BSC 2 years
DFL 0x56C717AD5Fd8BE5250764e9653D3CF142A80a251 BSC 2 years
DFL 0xde46eba98aa8b1b9615697bec53e49ed20e37cb8 BSC 2 years
DFL 0xB3C25618e7978105D2892E61352C411592F8CFe8 BSC 2 years
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DFL 0x555dbad6624d489abdc7cca93cf86ba8327425cd BSC 2 years
DFL DFL1zNkaGPWm1BqAVqRjCZvHmwTFrEaJtbzJWgseoNJh Solana 2 years
DFL 0x4cCc9dB3fa946022BFfD7Cf29Ec1687f76943bd6 BSC 2 years
DFL 0xe5c3b59b5bb7ed82d43a13495aeba2025b58c681 BSC 2 years
DFL 0x4ab1f0782b7cdc8cb3aea5c2615b4252b8a9c435 BSC 2 years
DFL 0x86118E139b70F5bB2A4ceb952d7C3f28a6f27010 BSC 2 years
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DFL 0x6ded0f2c886568fb4bb6f04f179093d3d167c9d7 ETH 4 years

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