CIT - Crypto Investor Crypto Investor (CIT) coin on BSC

Crypto Investor CIT is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Crypto Investor reach!

CIT Price
$1.4709240765165 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 500,000,000 CIT
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $2,207
Holders: 25 addresses
24h Transactions: -
CIT market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Crypto Investor (CIT) profile

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Check contract: 0xfd29f2ee6331ba90a053a1906050f1b27a13faca
Listed: 2021-12-20 02:46:54
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
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Crypto Investor CIT holders addresses dynamic

CIT holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xf67ee3c69589565cddf40c07d0286bf1ecaa8ec6 413,912,149.26315414563365481 82.782429852631%
2 0x31a0822dd155f9b0fba7c4b254fa6dfaf135cfb7 20,799,038.780633232355719185 4.1598077561266%
3 0x51a7f19158dbd09abb5adfb2b0b7e4f06e4a1c38 13,599,520.353118443781160122 2.7199040706237%
4 0x2793c0a3050465ecfd88ff4707c2a7f886b8201e 8,939,802.632191445030576761 1.7879605264383%
5 0xb60d09fdc47a29efd6e7533a77b58fef0eef7857 8,892,416.322540238525095455 1.778483264508%
6 0x6578ba01cf9a593c1c9f4f26cd28e8415330d6b9 6,984,831.775386648629899999 1.3969663550773%
7 0x4378e721bed41a83d34a07dea8f6b5b307f27862 6,221,876.72025934016193509 1.2443753440519%
8 0x22ffd0d152b03f38bc7093aa06534cf36f5e40e8 3,881,133.33739786526534479 0.77622666747957%
9 0x931e2851d59dd8ecf4143abe274fdcded0e2340b 3,420,888.082229208908228328 0.68417761644584%
10 0xc283d7ff8d21bdbe3274c8a68818b0535b5936b7 2,708,636.242531756081581032 0.54172724850635%
Crypto Investor on BSCscan Check Crypto Investor holders on BSCscan

Crypto Investor CIT daily transactions dynamic

Crypto Investor on BSCscan Check Crypto Investor transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support CIT BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy Crypto Investor (CIT) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy CIT coin on mobile?

How to buy CIT coin on mobile

How to buy CIT coin on PC?

How to buy CIT coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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CIT 0xaf5efdbd8d1a503a9da3b8df1cb46fcdb33566fb BSC 1 year
CIT 0xa236e0a9fccbd3bfcbb9ed8ab4eefeebcbe58458 BSC 1 year
CIT 0x4e466bc485ea35fc1bf6429c1326a224980bccf3 AVAX 1 year
CIT 0x9AF73EdEe4842d2fa9fE1DFB55188D1e4c53177B BSC 1 year
CIT 0x5df3727f6eca2341647bcf041c352519a5e256de BSC 1 year
CIT 0xbc7dfdae69dd709f34bd3618a26a78dc3e951162 BSC 1 year
CIT 0x6399ae2521914ee946c8f1b14b7d0f807d820f0a BSC 1 year
CIT 0xFD6959BdE282fBf58eA4754D818210aB76ED9f7a BSC 1 year
CIT 0xc98bAD28ED6A40AC437526dD32a42c1cC0C9E3b0 BSC 1 year
CIT 0x6c86403d1d83ce5ea87f37bea6a1ee3f43134c6c ETH 2 years
CIT 0x839ce8f0da470d8f5de730475bfc1af7f12ec4b7 BSC 2 years
CIT 0xcd5a546b4d0178afd61db5c6710b2e5d113ef251 BSC 2 years
CIT 0x3d68adf72589f23f124151aaf8d58deb109e1a9b BSC 2 years
CIT 0x38c15a3b2974d81d5384f2ef259c687319745fdc BSC 2 years
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CIT 0xD04398F1803FEBCa1d95838Ffd15a938229afB67 BSC 2 years
CIT 0x2ad15badf1c48a179d9982b3d889d50e703253a6 BSC 2 years
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