CROPER CROP is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase CROPER reach!

CROP Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 6,000,235 CROP
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 11 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

CROPER (CROP) profile

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Check contract: 0xc75aa8fa95f1b17e1375a20786a75ae09ea1defb
Listed: 2022-01-11 04:03:38
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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CROPER CROP holders addresses dynamic

CROP holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x24f7827275976cdc266eb5b592b3291d1933213f 6,000,000 99.996085687508%
2 0xa5747c711b7c08983e992dd7aeec2eebc6b713df 103.656865376496666666 0.0017275467987144%
3 0x729297bfc4c2267afd119ddf1c6e3a22e6ae6e6b 96.30363521419222222 0.0016049977598161%
4 0x25636d8d18ac54e71881afc3ee271cefe6620e7b 22.139340833333333333 0.00036897457050582%
5 0xa13c2def62c36697407fbe7d574e946bf60d7350 11.685458333333333333 0.0001947500154663%
6 0xef9a43943e987e90b9a200df9c5a7681908e0d6a 0.888333333333333333 1.4804976019845E-5%
7 0xfd63a08ce8e06cfab51bc10525c4d3270328a663 0.090647222222222222 1.5107279001113E-6%
8 0x8307bd609cf6dbc614869d6f1b957e9d05d9924b 0.041699354229166666 6.9496203310225E-7%
9 0x7ae1059449e11a3df919ac8450fdb239f8cfcb92 0.041414595833333333 6.9021624561058E-7%
10 0x04be8c6d71080b6e546f5960255950940415a4a7 0.020174819012222222 3.3623382177936E-7%
CROPER on BSCscan Check CROPER holders on BSCscan

CROPER CROP daily transactions dynamic

CROPER on BSCscan Check CROPER transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support CROP BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy CROPER (CROP) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy CROP coin on mobile?

How to buy CROP coin on mobile

How to buy CROP coin on PC?

How to buy CROP coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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CROP 0x004a3b43a2f4e28c2e28f963cbbfd037566219e7 BSC 1 year
CROP 0x8c60d95640b83c6fc37089ee9d2386f06e8f060a BSC 1 year
CROP 0x66908c42d370ba3f25814c524b416fb76f030d68 BSC 1 year
CROP 0x66908c42d370ba3f25814c524b416fb76f030d68 BSC 1 year
CROP 0x29622f7ac586de3c17d02d601506a3dfcbaafc3b ETH 1 year
Crop 0x919f0cfc4632738bf4be574ff050d68cd0580114 ETH 1 year
CROP 0x57aeecdab8b6cfa70efbaf1bcf54860240330c87 ETH 1 year
CROP 0xee0736c93e98b2e9fbf11f47db19e7b68db71e94 BSC 2 years
CROP 0xafa981a9a9cbeb852488186c4734a07290953f34 BSC 2 years
CROP 0x0e3e3bbfb79d0ab452e3ea66b7abddac3d837347 Polygon 2 years
CROP 0x7507ca51c78dcde6d5ab44240f9b44421ce03339 Polygon 2 years
CROP 0xb1c725fdc4a070Fe88c9957596e5B85f1B3eE416 BSC 2 years
CROP 0xdf690dd32087eed2738a5ab6c2a1153d54e60fbf BSC 2 years
CROP 0x9cABcF33A262A64B4B0AECE8827569048605047c AVAX 2 years
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CROP 0x54d625b45bcb1326f64ce79fac313f4d8f47ae24 BSC 3 years
CROP 0x036efc824d9d913f2a330eb86e5abd02dfbf878a Polygon 3 years
CROP 0x7ddf3754feba5811b3fd7912f6f32b2fde62d7c6 BSC 3 years

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