CLC - Cloud Coin Cloud Coin (CLC) coin on BSC

Cloud Coin CLC is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Cloud Coin reach!

CLC Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000 CLC
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 38 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Cloud Coin (CLC) profile

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Check contract: 0x170b2214a95240b29175f37e33adc5079f46cd01
Listed: 2021-04-23 04:31:38
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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Cloud Coin CLC holders addresses dynamic

CLC holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0xa27bb5524831ab7365f84fcd9cff4eadd96dd2cb 566,468.742668996711323211 56.6468742669%
2 0x76a1e99beff59269160889be817b803e924f2770 140,000 14%
3 0x023b06c756c6310c87bddeb0652db5fae4557e72 36,126.76296554544855871 3.6126762965545%
4 0xbfe11b04b7f0f2e60f8bd3a874b61ee4f12bc1d5 29,023.507272921656073399 2.9023507272922%
5 0xad698510cd9b3e57d04647e2cf552a9f8354140c 25,890 2.589%
6 0xf2ea21a36063b61d85331ff716e0bd4bd050dbdc 24,342.082620834116089898 2.4342082620834%
7 0x263dd8bbc5931eba6986bab0aee29c7baa137bba 21,724 2.1724%
8 0x6c13505424940f814348116497bf99c285aba464 15,904.102874206067333224 1.5904102874206%
9 0x887d942b4d7f634f2dcec67305b9ed226f618a4e 14,063.589574600456518373 1.40635895746%
10 0xeaba05a7aa742cfa60d9627bfbdceb044fdaa0ba 12,526.744984861748790591 1.2526744984862%
Cloud Coin on BSCscan Check Cloud Coin holders on BSCscan

Cloud Coin CLC daily transactions dynamic

Cloud Coin on BSCscan Check Cloud Coin transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support CLC BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Cloud Coin (CLC) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy CLC coin on mobile?

How to buy CLC coin on mobile

How to buy CLC coin on PC?

How to buy CLC coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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CLC 0x49fd77af41f4a1bffac8200a222f75117e80548f BSC 1 year
CLC 0xcd67d3272a146f3e23fa39e7a76406067ac497a6 BSC 1 year
CLC 0x46dbe245529e2f41f9e993cf28c637e8c375b976 ETH 1 year
CLC 0x025b2fac7387d1baaaeac4569426356dce9ecaf0 Polygon 1 year
CLC 0xffe14a4df3479b365347aa63b9f707f5b54e11af BSC 1 year
CLC 0x56613f4b8f6f3aab660dae2f80649f9f8ef381b2 BSC 2 years
CLC 0x14d4c327a0af8f2108397f6e2de3961ac7b83c91 BSC 2 years
CLC 0x56613f4b8f6f3aab660dae2f80649f9f8ef381b2 Polygon 2 years
CLC 0x56613f4b8f6f3aab660dae2f80649f9f8ef381b2 ETH 2 years
Clc 0x68ced8079b798051a4141419bc931fe7f2cdaeb7 BSC 2 years
CLC 0x56613f4b8f6f3aab660dae2f80649f9f8ef381b2 BSC 2 years
CLC 0x821c897a19bfedb6f3cf61bfe66565980ef065d9 BSC 2 years
CLC 0x016e61dc8673d53897b60a6bc405c129d91281d3 BSC 2 years
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CLC 0xd2d3ded48e120664b9f36c4b98e795f62a199f0d BSC 2 years
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CLC 0x20e4fb37c09381eefe0cd3a30d03c8f3f8dd8dc9 BSC 2 years
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CLC 0x1bBbc5bb9100E25cB39b5C4A7Ab48Eed8c5f2ff7 BSC 2 years
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CLC 0x54acbaa4ca3b97846413fbd09cf78502ebc7d3fc ETH 2 years
CLC 0x069689a41fa9f10a84c43916f2a1b0c75eed691b BSC 2 years
CLC 0xe8E04A51A6FA665fa1EaF77ecf696092A6bBE44a BSC 2 years
CLC 0xba35923eed75cd34fc59e17faa839df52c8c88b3 Polygon 2 years
CLC 0x59721ABe614079966b7C1171e62809474Cdc5de7 BSC 3 years
CLC 0x66fe44c69ea8facc3bc3c42a467af90e98cba9b5 BSC 3 years
CLC 0x1a94656a6245379bc0d9c64c402197528edb2bd1 ETH 5 years
CLC 0x96c8155a97f393e40b9343acc5a036835d033c84 ETH 7 years

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