BNF - Bon.Finance Bon.Finance (BNF) coin on ETH

Bon.Finance BNF is a crypto coin (token) that running on Ethereum ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase Bon.Finance reach!

BNF Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 15,000 BNF
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 14 addresses
24h Transactions: -
BNF market: Uniswap Uniswap DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Mdex Mdex Any Swap Any Swap Any Swap Sushi Swap Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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ERC-20 Token Ethereum

Bon.Finance (BNF) profile

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Check contract: 0xfcc3a28dc8f7e38e0b19223fcaf5d6bd595c1e22
Listed: 2022-01-13 03:38:01
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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BNF coin price dynamic

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Bon.Finance BNF holders addresses dynamic

BNF holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 0x99c51641450f9b14a30c6432523bbfce4fef6357 13,852.015674463494268286 92.34677116309%
2 0xd43380531b24fe48936e4c7550d5750fe572bfe6 232.565649156775189272 1.5504376610452%
3 0x29cfd8199618380227f43961ebb9f865966063dc 169.681747036105474698 1.1312116469074%
4 0xd2e8c0def017328c820387f92087fae759530130 161.463345508391799672 1.0764223033893%
5 0x00b6f5d4699e6e1e6cb9acd99399e7ce6f95b76e 136.673518810760485647 0.91115679207174%
6 0x8a388abb61520c5240aabb59f791de5e7784f716 120.33069820771226842 0.80220465471808%
7 0xeb1dd9a52c2a65a3cefd278c4a438a5fee7871e3 110.784425619471038124 0.73856283746314%
8 0xf3576ae69527e27ce2ff45d5fe9d81672af994a5 100 0.66666666666667%
9 0x1bd3483c0eff0e1bf669a439e841337810f48933 59.39145265341146396 0.39594301768941%
10 0x668e1127694d0ec976404f4ba5711f99d029bbd3 45.574720900066795544 0.30383147266711%
Bon.Finance on Etherscan Check Bon.Finance holders on Etherscan

Bon.Finance BNF daily transactions dynamic

Bon.Finance on Etherscan Check Bon.Finance transactions on Etherscan

Wallets that support BNF ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy Bon.Finance (BNF) contact address and add in your wallet.

MyEtherWallet MyEtherWallet Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy BNF coin on mobile?

How to buy BNF coin on mobile

How to buy BNF coin on PC?

How to buy BNF coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
BNF 0xb002374f5457218c97bc1e6adbed50c593393333 BSC 1 year
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BNF 0x2298f31d58e73a07b398822905baf96922d2ba27 BSC 1 year
BNF 0x3df517741e48d685df2537982a94bb1fc9e40a12 BSC 1 year
BNF 0x5e0c3f6d3e3863728ef9d51084b673c342c6b871 BSC 1 year
BNF 0x6c8835fc61db8247163fa801ccc01e4c8ecfd643 BSC 2 years
BNF 0x90b1cafac69f1662a3b593894397712d2ae263cc BSC 2 years
BNF 0x74c3af34d1708bb1af6bb6e24cca8f6027a29612 BSC 2 years
BNF 0xe56a6b6a632e5fd71e6dc7896542e748577693ed BSC 2 years
BNF 0x3047013c7b7c9b26fd3c40eb82c4f379ec40bf77 BSC 2 years
BNF 0x43743bc1e98428cf990cf7b728c61f1e2b45b293 BSC 2 years
BNF 0x69c3eae5b8ee6d4ee6c32a4f0025d989a6fa5e88 BSC 2 years
BNF 0x9bf2702b721795544239dfd582bd6aad38d00fc3 BSC 2 years
BNF BgnLUkTwKMVngMvUjh5mEYPuz4idgpyib731tWaTCZxr Solana 2 years
BNF 0x20bbb7680930cdf47b23911741f813c2c1fa1e6f BSC 2 years
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BNF 0x1DE5e000C41C8d35b9f1f4985C23988f05831057 ETH 4 years
BNF 0xecde425e8f15c3d7e3cfcf06cab12ae8b6cbc2a6 ETH 4 years

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