BIP - BIP BIP (BIP) coin on Solana

BIP BIP is a crypto coin (token) that running on Solana Ecosystem ERC-20 RecentCoin Increase BIP reach!

BIP Price
$1.437 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 10,000,000 BIP
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 1,463 addresses
24h Transactions: -
BIP market: Raydium Swap Bonfida Orca Atrix 1Sol Spin Dexlab Mango.Markets
Wallets: Show supported wallets


ERC-20 Token Solana Ecosystem

BIP (BIP) profile

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Check contract: FoqP7aTaibT5npFKYKQQdyonL99vkW8YALNPwWepdvf5
Listed: 2022-01-16 10:43:16
Decimals: 9
Official site:
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BIP BIP holders addresses dynamic

BIP holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 3Uss1g7kQr1WwED8RHM8iFmRNH8x9MQt3ENEYqqRnwkx 6065066843938330 60650668439.383%
2 FiSVrKiJ1sQiqrV6FejNxNPcKorn225kBthh7WCJZPi3 1910635967462493 19106359674.625%
3 DamaHmkaK8fUGgvLgzGZ1Ft6HDs2Mb5KpeSDHNGpGy6g 390000000000000 3900000000%
4 HnKZM3d3tzcwKn78eBj3ZaVZP3ALSZgN6QX6hX8GAuDm 233975000000000 2339750000%
5 3ZHPeJBaQCywfgpK2WNMHKNZ3UGcYsPDBLeZnqFN6CfZ 149520000000000 1495200000%
6 5jptgfGg2bUbuZdinbJu3JZbQQAzAUqBJYnXMkvLdyr8 134490971414697 1344909714.147%
7 3W5XXeKwBCJ8FtB1SmbRzsfo2TzvnQ7th3FgPsdHi7m8 108747000000000 1087470000%
8 7gGvuQLzENz1jr6RyrJvHZJZceEMfq7AqHhkhuvPRqm6 45930000000000 459300000%
9 5AaQCbVcAQnEJwfv6QnxZRmdtG8215EnG1epzpaPzmZr 43972000000000 439720000%
10 FdMaBV9FVzNVUXwuESvvqk4nSHmBco9wgEGKeUHnqHqv 28458000000000 284580000%
BIP on Solscan Check BIP holders on Solscan

BIP BIP daily transactions dynamic

BIP on Solscan Check BIP transactions on Solscan

Wallets that support BIP ERC-20 tokens on Solana Ecosystem

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy BIP (BIP) contact address and add in your wallet.

Coin98 Coin98 Solflare Solflare Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Zelcore Zelcore Mathwallet Math Wallet

How to buy & swap BIP coin?

How to buy BIP coin

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
BIP 0x687248c2295416ad869da97e50bf8aab81ab094b ETH 1 year
BIP 0x0a9858199fffead1db64419fe506bbe084eb2e20 BSC 1 year
BIP 0xf3d29fb98d2dc5e78c87198deef99377345fd6f1 ETH 1 year
BIP 0xa6c6ae6d2e1d010d5498cb82de80398b46078a0e BSC 1 year
BIP 0x2367730c0a2fa591b11088a7b3d3bd3975b87131 BSC 1 year
BIP 0xe162fbf02ae96784df218ea70cd038efa516815c BSC 1 year
BIP 0xcfea7ab28da57e73d61c348cdad4f8668906d775 BSC 1 year
BIP 0x1a1095580690537652c5d3ca9fbc74c8513111ca ETH 1 year
BIP 0xa6385a14d97c6199706e92d6b74512880c0d1c4a ETH 2 years
BIp 0xad8a797294bb5e5ae1fc6663cc6913104823a3f4 BSC 2 years
BIP 0x09d2a8ced646359a222fc757581d0e0bd2b73f68 BSC 2 years
BIP 0x4b3add23a26c0a6f4fb5f2ad35785a655bf929b7 BSC 2 years
BIP 0x85680d79d2fe1e1c2ceb9b4d302ff5d2614f5914 BSC 2 years
BIP 0xd7fB85ea94fc1726f473B38e1B08b3DedF7e0f10 BSC 2 years
BIP 0xb40204c1152b051a204f80e93fabc5c744dfbdd7 BSC 2 years
BIP 0x22245171BeE438ee2AFA926eeA5E8AfBD7090006 BSC 3 years

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Recent conversions

3000000 KRW to CHF 0.0335 BTC to CZK 0.10000000 BTC to CAD 2500 DOGECOIN to ETH 0.00014 BTC to CZK 0.0025 BNB to GBP 650 QUID to USD 5 MATIC to CZK 15000 PKR to EUR 4200 DOGE to GBP 0.25 SOL to NZD