BNS - Binance Name Service Binance Name Service (BNS) coin on BSC

Binance Name Service BNS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase Binance Name Service reach!

BNS Price
$0 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 0 BNS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 0 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Binance Name Service (BNS) profile

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Check contract: 0xfa6c0860b1406ec9575f6b07ae7c5e3e6b8aa75b
Listed: 2023-05-16 20:05:09
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
Social profiles: -
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Binance Name Service on BSCscan Check Binance Name Service transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support BNS BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Π‘opy Binance Name Service (BNS) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy BNS coin on mobile?

How to buy BNS coin on mobile

How to buy BNS coin on PC?

How to buy BNS coin on pc

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Name Ticker Contract Network Age
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BNS 0x53a79e74ec9b984fbce18c5c4aaeae6cb26df1a7 BSC 1 year
BNS 0xb8356c40c2601d1ef2ceb7338b3c41ac61ca6c17 ETH 1 year
BNS 0xb8356c40c2601d1ef2ceb7338b3c41ac61ca6c17 BSC 1 year
BNS 0xcc4f7122b12cd60d35d1486eefab82abc5654534 Polygon 1 year
BNS 0x00b471766702c5242b82df6aadab2f0f1ed62d00 BSC 1 year
BNS 0xfac0938590a384c58e370056dbd6b0e726b7a41b ETH 1 year
BNS 0x6f54d8fb82c01248f74a3762a579646a2fecbd44 BSC 1 year
BNS 0xf67cb65743cfeaee734418c20f3e682ecd53ddd0 BSC 1 year
BNS 0x73937a029e7c35dd251c1358f70c4108994978a0 Polygon 1 year
BNS 0xb26dc4a9f3b9eb5bcc2dc91907071562549df4ff ETH 1 year
BNS 0x03b6ef97f6d9ff57ee868992edfd6e332080612b ETH 1 year
BNS 0xb814b3d12e1a4ad0e7e70a4a8b0a1464ad3c4803 ETH 1 year
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BNS 0x04acea55213f5e4878f3d55b956c606619606a6f ETH 1 year
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BNS 0x129eda52bdd665d1df9b4c0ec267fb0a1d2ffc6d ETH 1 year
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BNS 0x510de87a9fd57c0d4789c5f688655cfd04bfd473 BSC 1 year
BNS 0x08c3a79e9a1be93c14d8a4231c3f4008788eeb0d Fantom 2 years
BNS 0x6d3737f0746afb5f738ea5138d1a0aa0cf4fdf93 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x064ba185868e06af1bfabdc0e942b6d6f54d06a0 Polygon 2 years
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BNS 0xda5441b4d30a7854133d29984ee0fdd8ce7ce0c5 BSC 2 years
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BNS 0xfbe72f7516e668ea1ec44c90e07b5ed0e5b66653 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x909e6d393b590cf71a081c282b8fbb2baa2e6375 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x9138f8707e435a9e1aa671fc5482b3f9291181b7 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x50d74c0301c546b7b1f7946ba4551c1a78b3fa5b BSC 2 years
BNS 0x6782cebb09f3909d5e77f0641438e0596382519f BSC 2 years
BNS 0x46b940815964cfdd01fccd719cd58dbb502f94ea Polygon 2 years
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BNS 0xd05882790242FA0ff1B8e6B735f7428e420399da Polygon 2 years
BNS 0xb071761d41cfcbba1f5033e9a6c8bd796bb562ed BSC 2 years
BNS 0x8834b91fE7159c5346409B1A11454272C2713c6A Polygon 2 years
BNS 0x87bB123d0ed1781ACf3612f73Bd0B579D3BA210f BSC 2 years
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BNS 0x9093d4B36DAC2ce813Ce16e8F83CAc10515264ea Polygon 2 years
BNS 0x7d86df776396c086598cc1344ef03e379b70fc26 BSC 2 years
BNS 0xb4000fD650cCEAE07a059ed4C8F3106DC2705244 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x367c57f9Cb280b213C56dD4Ca9af1D01a3C23396 BSC 2 years
BNS 0xD3265Bc32e9f9230e318e1f8Ab6eedd7c57A73D4 BSC 2 years
BNS 0x7208a63de4407fAb9Da4D60c5b397445484792DE BSC 2 years
BNS 0x75cAc3c9180875aA655C98d0E272a013672318d9 BSC 2 years
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BNS 0x67ed33eBCfB5Efd847cd45Bb48dc172DB8f315aA BSC 2 years
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