AGXCASH AGX is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase AGXCASH reach!

AGX Price
$9.48393656 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 700,000,000 AGX
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $0
Holders: 242 addresses
24h Transactions: -
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

AGXCASH (AGX) profile

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Check contract: 0xdbfd69cc63cdd5bb1591c9ef4b535bb23a94335a
Listed: 2021-05-26 02:39:57
Decimals: 8
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AGXCASH AGX holders addresses dynamic

AGX holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 AGXCASH: Deployer 669,867,689.19079799 95.695384170114%
2 0x6b604156cfbedfd198b09acabc1857cfc3a3ffb4 20,000,000 2.8571428571429%
3 0xd28360e3803384710dbfd0c837b69cf48f1c9608 10,000,000 1.4285714285714%
4 0x4cde00d705f687fea1861320aeb05b3e6773b056 48,250 0.0068928571428571%
5 0x7215259e0b8cfc7f42ada8d446bdec014757aab0 7,933.98172688 0.0011334259609829%
6 0xfd035383cbe6f6476694a097390d036a9091da01 1,600 0.00022857142857143%
7 0x47b5f427b1a0ea94c0fc131bcb06646bee110ce2 1,422.72726365 0.00020324675195%
8 0xcceda6e754e9d0f72cefef34d58ba3b792941602 1,421.76426649 0.00020310918092714%
9 0xe257148b9feca3dd25d7cad8bec750e696cf644a 1,300 0.00018571428571429%
10 0x7d6c55e22f6418b6d7e5537f615ece29f751cbd2 1,237.02503567 0.00017671786223857%
AGXCASH on BSCscan Check AGXCASH holders on BSCscan

AGXCASH AGX daily transactions dynamic

AGXCASH on BSCscan Check AGXCASH transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support AGX BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. Сopy AGXCASH (AGX) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy AGX coin on mobile?

How to buy AGX coin on mobile

How to buy AGX coin on PC?

How to buy AGX coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
AGX 0xff05c5524bc612d376c0d756e86aebf16a65bd68 BSC 1 year
AGX 0xd21de31ac41f4f8ed1e04e772f5f51e58d2ecf17 ETH 1 year
AGX 0x87f7e96e82a4718ff26344d596e8eaff4b6f2968 BSC 2 years
AGX 0xbd987536d839bdaa467ae3d191e5b84be533f976 BSC 2 years
AGX 0xBd987536D839BdaA467ae3D191e5B84Be533F976 BSC 2 years
AGX 0x13e7bcefdde72492e656f3fa58bae6029708e673 AVAX 2 years
AGX 0xaEeDB26E8B6cb896Bd3F49ECF6dA06572252B8Ef BSC 2 years
AGX 0x613c47794789a48ec6d54881d823014a60a68508 BSC 2 years
AGX 0xd2ef22432cc4aad205fb7019284f89646a736dee BSC 2 years
AGX 0x92210744cC8B9E856E60BaFB7535DaeB9c17420B BSC 2 years
AGX 0xb408db90f06fd1ed7390f87a0853a84ed3d128d7 BSC 2 years
AGX 0xa2d78cB5CC4E8931dC695a24df73cb751c0aeb07 BSC 3 years
AGX 0xdbfd69cc63cdd5bb1591c9ef4b535bb23a94335a ETH 4 years

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