SOSS - A1Soss A1Soss (SOSS) coin on BSC

A1Soss SOSS is a crypto coin (token) that running on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) BEP-20 RecentCoin Increase A1Soss reach!

SOSS Price
$1.2682362286618 ( 0%)
Fully diluted market cap
Total supply: 1,000,000 SOSS
24h Trade Volume: $0
Liquidity: $6
Holders: 10 addresses
24h Transactions: -
SOSS market: Pancake Swap Pancake Swap Mdex Mdex BSC Swap BSC Swap Any Swap Any Swap BSC Station BSC Station DEX.Guru DEX.Guru Para Swap Para Swap Poocoin Poocoin Arken.Finance Arken.Finance
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BEP-20 Token Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

A1Soss (SOSS) profile

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Check contract: 0x790Cb61b05CcbcBB890545130b65A2BF91E4F417
Listed: 2022-01-07 09:32:28
Decimals: 18
Official site: -
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A1Soss SOSS holders addresses dynamic

SOSS holders snapshot

Rank Address Quantity Percentage
1 PancakeSwap V2: SOSS 6 393,006.225259995103378368 39.300622526%
2 0xba5d72d93bc25cf69af8637e67bb07bf2d12b52e 180,000 18%
3 0xedeeff704a0c0ae871e615421dd86c769181bb33 132,922.384326802834514381 13.29223843268%
4 0x2be87ad70cf11ea294d7c42044b5b8277a3e4874 95,108.747352264626611805 9.5108747352265%
5 0x01d3ce92c44858a59f7321da4891f57156a4200c 52,171.473407886415299656 5.2171473407886%
6 0xa6364afb914792fe81e0810d5f471be172079f7b 40,421.99630610528824127 4.0421996306105%
7 0x5644afdfb91f0a3ac9e74ec2a975550138a98031 36,505.086202210678884468 3.6505086202211%
8 0x6c7e9d8bc490be6e20a5a166754f234bcb591427 28,582.60656617859149219 2.8582606566179%
9 0x9878fd1fc944a83ca168a6293c51b34f8eb0edad 21,281.480578556461577862 2.1281480578556%
10 0xce38b170eabaeb81e28bb65bb28d3ad162a0f667 20,000 2%
A1Soss on BSCscan Check A1Soss holders on BSCscan

A1Soss SOSS daily transactions dynamic

A1Soss on BSCscan Check A1Soss transactions on BSCscan

Wallets that support SOSS BEP-20 tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Just choose and install any of following supported wallets. ะกopy A1Soss (SOSS) contact address and add in your wallet.

Binance Chain Wallet Binance Chain Wallet Metamask Metamask Zelcore Zelcore Trust Wallet Trust Wallet Mathwallet Math wallet

How to buy SOSS coin on mobile?

How to buy SOSS coin on mobile

How to buy SOSS coin on PC?

How to buy SOSS coin on pc

Coins with similar name

Name Ticker Contract Network Age
SOSs 0x072b0749a6c06aa4c4d59c1a2466468a533f8911 BSC 2 years

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