Coinbase and Polygon Join Forces with BWA to Enhance Cybersecurity After $230 Million WazirX Hack

Coinbase and Polygon Join Forces with BWA to Enhance Cybersecurity After $230 Million WazirX Hack

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  • In light of the recent WazirX security breach, India’s BWA has initiated collaborative efforts to tackle pressing cybersecurity concerns.
  • The inclusion of Coinbase and Polygon representatives underscores the comprehensive approach to investigating and mitigating such threats.
  • “We have advised our members to be extra vigilant around cybersecurity,” stated BWA Chair Dilip Chenoy, emphasizing the need for robust protective measures.

Discover how India’s Bharat Web3 Association is joining forces with leading crypto firms to fortify cybersecurity in the wake of the WazirX hack, underscoring the industry’s commitment to consumer protection and operational integrity.

The Response to WazirX Hack: Coalition for Enhanced Cybersecurity

The recent WazirX hack, which led to a significant loss of $230 million, has spurred the Bharat Web3 Association (BWA) into actionable steps. The BWA, under the leadership of Dilip Chenoy, has announced the formation of two new internal groups aimed at addressing both cybersecurity and consumer protection issues. These groups, which include representatives from premier Web3 firms such as Coinbase and Polygon, are poised to play a critical role in the ongoing investigation and future preventative measures.

Steps Toward Recovery and Increased Vigilance

Representatives from WazirX, along with other BWA members including CoinSwitch, Liminal, and Biconomy, will participate in scrutinizing and updating consumer protection protocols. With significant assets stolen, including $102 million in Shiba Inu and $52.5 million in Ethereum, the stakes are high. The formation of these groups signifies a concerted effort to bolster the industry’s defense mechanisms against such breaches.

Detailed Analysis and Strategic Recommendations

In a strategic move to ensure thoroughness and impartiality, the BWA has proposed a third-party forensic evaluation of the hack. This step highlights the importance of an unbiased investigation in uncovering the root causes and identifying actionable lessons. According to Chenoy, the industry body has maintained consistent communication with the affected members, inquiring comprehensive analyses to inform their remedial strategies.

Operational Protocols and Industry-wide Cooperation

The internal groups formed by BWA will feature chief information security officers (CISOs) from member firms who will design standard operating procedures (SOPs) to enhance cybersecurity defenses. This collaborative effort will not only address the immediate aftermath of the WazirX hack but will also aim to establish enduring preventive frameworks. Prior to this incident, BWA’s focus was largely on anti-money laundering and FIU registration. However, the recent breach has redirected attention toward fortifying cybersecurity measures across the board.

Strengthening Industry-Wide Cyber Resilience

As part of the comprehensive recovery strategy, WazirX has halted withdrawals and trading temporarily. The proposed plan allows customers to access 55% of their portfolio tokens, while the remaining 45% is converted to USDT stablecoin and locked. Despite facing criticism, particularly for not being community-driven, this plan underscores WazirX’s commitment to restoring trust and operational stability.


In conclusion, the BWA’s proactive measures following the WazirX hack highlight the industry’s collective responsibility to safeguard assets and uphold consumer trust. By incorporating industry leaders from Coinbase and Polygon into their strategic response, the BWA aims to set new standards in cybersecurity and consumer protection. These initiatives mark a significant step toward a more secure and resilient crypto ecosystem in India and beyond.

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