The BRICS want to take control of the IMF and the World Bank!

The BRICS want to take control of the IMF and the World Bank!

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The balance of global power could soon see a historic turning point. Indeed, the BRICS nations are on the verge of taking control of the largest international financial institutions. This transition would signify a possible end to Western dominance over these key institutions, marking a profound change in the global financial landscape.

The Rise of the BRICS

In a recent interview with TASS, Roman Marshavin, Executive Director of the World Bank for Russia, made a more or less unexpected statement. He notably declared that the BRICS countries will soon control the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Currently, these institutions are largely dominated by Western nations, a situation that could change due to the rise of emerging economies. Marshavin specified that “ decisions are made by those who hold a majority share ”, suggesting an imminent shift in power towards the BRICS countries.

The BRICS, comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represent a coalition of major emerging economies. Recently, the group has expanded to include Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, thereby increasing its geopolitical and economic weight. This expansion illustrates the growing influence of the BRICS on the international stage.

Towards a New World Order

Marshavin emphasized the importance of active participation and cooperation with friendly nations to accelerate this change. He encouraged “ working patiently to bring this moment closer and not succumbing to the provocations of those who cling to the outdated global system ”. This statement highlights the strategic approach of the BRICS to reshape the global financial order.

Macroeconomic and demographic changes play a key role in this transition. The economies of the BRICS countries continue to grow at a sustained pace, which could redistribute the cards in terms of global economic power. Marshavin also mentioned that “ Russia’s voice is important here ”. He thus emphasized the central role that Moscow and other BRICS members could play in establishing a new world order.

In summary, the future of international financial institutions could be radically transformed by the rise of the BRICS. This transition, supported by economic and demographic changes, could alter the current balance of power. The implications of this change are vast. They can notably affect global economic policies and geopolitical relations. As the world watches this evolution, the BRICS continue to position themselves to play a central role in the future international financial landscape.

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