Bitcoin: The only decentralized currency, claims the CEO of Tether

Bitcoin: The only decentralized currency, claims the CEO of Tether

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Bitcoin continues to make headlines. Recently, Pablo Ardoino, CEO of Tether, called Bitcoin the “only true decentralized currency,” praising its uniqueness and unassailable status. With this bold statement, Ardoino highlighted what sets Bitcoin apart from other cryptos, emphasizing its immutability and the purely mathematical governance that underlies it.

The only currency governed by mathematics

According to Pablo Ardoino, Bitcoin is a unique example of a currency governed solely by maths, a fact that makes it inherently decentralized.

During his interview with Cointelegraph, he emphasized that Bitcoin fundamentally cannot be modified, which sets it apart from other digital currencies.

“With other currencies, you see that there is a group of developers who come every month. They release a new software version, they can change the monetary policy, inflationary, deflationary, and they keep changing things,” said Ardoino. In contrast, Bitcoin offers rare certainty and stability, making it a trusted currency for investors and users.

Bitcoin decentralization

Decentralization is one of BTC’s most valuable features. Unlike other digital assets that undergo constant updates and modifications by groups of developers, Bitcoin remains unchanged.

Indeed, this stability is due to its robust infrastructure and secure protocol, which are designed to withstand sudden changes.

The CEO of Tether noted that Bitcoin’s true decentralization makes it unique and practically impossible to replicate in the current crypto landscape. This quality of rarity and stability explains why BTC has stayed at the top of the market for so long, even in the face of growing competition.

Bitcoin has proven its resilience and ability to maintain its leadership position in the crypto universe. In March 2024, it reached an all-time high of $73,000, once again demonstrating its robustness and popularity.

Pablo Ardoino also pointed out that it is unlikely that another digital asset will surpass BTC, due to the strength of its infrastructures and the trust it inspires.

Despite the numerous attempts by other cryptocurrencies to compete with Bitcoin, none have managed to achieve the same level of decentralization and stability. This reality reinforces Bitcoin’s position as the undisputed king of cryptocurrencies, a position it seems poised to hold for years to come. Meanwhile, Tron dethrones Ethereum.

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