It's Not a Token Offering, It's a 'Node Sale': Sophon Blockchain Raises $60M

It's Not a Token Offering, It's a 'Node Sale': Sophon Blockchain Raises $60M

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The blockchain project's founders aren't even publicly named, but they've enjoyed remarkable success in fundraising, partly thanks to this increasingly popular fundraising method, where the longer you wait, the higher price you pay.

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90 ETH to CHF 69 SOL to USD 0.3 BTC to AUD 0.1 ETC to AUD 55000 KRW to CHF 1 THB to AED 0.00041 BTC to CZK 0.059 ETH to ETH 2.4 ETH to NOK 8000 BITS to CHF 50 ADA to NOK