Atlus Announces A Release Date for Metaphor: ReFantazio

Atlus Announces A Release Date for Metaphor: ReFantazio

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Atlus recently announced October 11th as the release date of its much-awaited Metaphor ReFantazio RPG. Gaming fans eagerly await the new game that will be available to play on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, and both PlayStation devices. 

The director, Katsura Hashino, revealed his previous involvement with other Atlus games, such as Persona 3, 4, and 5 and Shin Megami Tensei III. Persona composer Shoji Meguro will return to Metaphor: ReFantazio – The King’s Trial. It’s also been revealed that Koda Kazuma will be featured as a guest artist on the yet-to-be-released game. 

Metaphor: ReFantazio – The King’s Trial Trailer.

The Story – Metaphor ReFantazio

The game is set in an ideal world (The United Kingdom of Euchronia) where everyone is equal. After the King dies, everyone suddenly has a shot at being the new King. Historically, this degree of freedom has never been suitable for peace, and so, what happens?- you guessed it, war.

The chaotic world cannot last longer, and so, mysteriously, a Royal Magic is invoked, and the entire kingdom is presented with a royal tournament to inherit the throne; think of it as the Game of Thrones. 

The protagonist, accompanied by his partner, emerges amidst the chaos and looks for ways to break the curse that has befallen the Prince. The people within the Kingdom believe the Prince is dead. In order to break the curse, they embarked on a journey to far, faraway lands. 

In their journey, they discover only one way to break this curse. The protagonist and his partner, the fairy Galica, must take part in the royal tournament, and to win, they must foster several alliances with tribes across the world. 

The Collector’s Edition and What to Expect

Metaphor: ReFantazio game combines a mix of high-stakes collaborations and vicious combats with hours of exciting exploration and discovery features. The turn-based combat system comes with a perfect blend of real-time action and flexible customization features. 

The game’s collector’s edition is currently available in the market on a Pre-Order. The Collector’s edition comes with a bunch of add-ons such as the Physical Base Game, SteelBookm, Soundtrack, Artbook, Homo Tenta Metallic Pins, Sticker Sheet, Kingdom of Euchronia cloth Map and a Costume & Battle BGM set DLC voucher. 

The Metaphor: ReFantazio – The King’s Trial is Atlus’s 35th title anniversary since the first release in 1989.

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